# 冬日养生 #This is only 20 grams, the cost of trial and error is low, you can really use a thermos cup, put a few red date slices, wolfberry and two yellow rock sugar# 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation48fa9018503c47548502eedd0e740 962 ## 关于美食 #Simple and convenient. However, it is easier to use a health pot to produce glue. Use a thermos cup and soak it every time you get up. You can eat it after washing up.
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# 冬日养生 #这个只有20克,试错成本低,真的用保温杯就可以,放几颗红枣片,枸杞加两颗黄冰糖# 年货好物种草指南 ## 关于美食 #简单方便。 不过用养生壶更容易出胶。用保温杯每次就起床泡好了去,洗漱完了就可以吃