A bowl of instant noodles that was casually scourged at noon today is because I love kelp but don’t like spicy food very much… After Yami ordered this kelp, I opened it and found it was really fragrant and the portion was not small. As someone who doesn't like sweet and spicy very much, I couldn't stop eating this sweet and spicy taste. But the only problem is that it's too spicy for me... It takes a long time to eat a packet... So today at noon, I boiled a pot of hot water and boiled four packets of kelp, threw them into a bowl and rinsed... Then I cooked a bowl of instant noodles with the leftover turkey, gravy and celery that no one in my family cares about. To be honest, it’s quite a failure... After rinsing, the fragrance and sweetness of the marinade are gone, but there is still a bit of spiciness left, which covers the taste of the instant noodle soup and celery (the American celery tastes so weak), gravy’s words are because of me I didn't add more oil if I was too lazy to go to the half box. On the contrary, the dark meat of the turkey is fresh and tender after cooking, and the taste is also very strong. Next time, it is estimated that adding a little more gravy and seasoning to adjust the taste will be better. After all, the first one is a light version, so I really didn't think about it with spicy kelp.
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今天中午随便祸害的一碗泡面,起因在于本人热爱海带但不是很喜欢吃辣… 在亚米下单了这个海带之后拆开发现真的很香,份量也不小,作为一个不是很喜欢甜和辣的人吃这个甜辣口爱到停不下来。但唯一的问题就是对我来说这货太辣了点… 吃一包要歇好久… 于是今天中午我恶向胆边生烧了壶热水开了四包海带,扔进碗里涮了涮… 然后配合剩火鸡,gravy及我家无人问津的芹菜煮了一碗泡面。 说实话的话其实挺失败… 涮过之后卤汁的香味甜味都没了但还剩点辣味残存,把泡面汤和芹菜的味道都盖过去了(美国芹菜味好淡),gravy的话因为我懒得去那半盒油就没有多加。倒是火鸡的dark meat煮了一下又鲜又嫩,味也很冲。 下次的话估计多加一点gravy和seasoning调一下味会好一点,毕竟出前一丁本身就是清淡款,用辣海带去压的确是我考虑不周了(。