[Annier's Daily Planting] Chinese-style porridge and side dishes When I wake up in the morning, I always want to drink some porridge to warm my stomach. I tried the instant white porridge from Charming Kitchen, and it tasted very good. It was more viscous and softer than cooking by myself. In addition, I will eat it with several side dishes: 1. Dried radish and edamame are great with porridge. Xindongyang's dried radish is soaked in water and then fried with edamame. It is crispy and refreshing, and it is not too salty like pickles. 2. Jinbao Pork Crisp is a must for porridge! 3. Weilong's spicy bean curd and Huijia chicken bean curd have been craving every day recently, eating, eating porridge, and eating noodles. In particular, Weilong’s dried bean curd is relatively thick but not hard, with a strong cumin flavor. 4. The enoki mushrooms in BESTORE have also been introduced before, and they are delicious and sweet for a lifetime~~
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Yamiセレクション 【安妮er的日常种草】之中式清粥小菜 最近早上起来总想喝点粥暖暖肚。尝试了魅力厨房的即食白粥,感觉口感非常好,比自己煮的更加粘稠软糯。另外我还会搭配几种小菜配着吃: 1. 萝卜干毛豆配粥超赞,新东阳的萝卜干泡一下水然后和毛豆一起炒,香脆爽口,不会像咸菜那样太咸。 2. 金宝肉酥算是吃粥必备! 3. 卫龙的辣豆干和徽家鸡汁豆干最近真是每天都想吃,吃饭吃,吃粥吃,吃面吃。特别卫龙的豆干属于比较厚实但又不硬,带着浓浓孜然味。 4. 良品铺子的金针菇之前也介绍过,香香甜甜一生推~~