#My pressure box bottom good goods# canmake eye shadow #14 🔥After a period of time, the Internet celebrity disks all said that this disk is a man-killing disk, and you will never regret starting it~ The whole plate is autumn and winter plum wine red, an eye shadow palette that is super suitable for autumn and winter~ It can be gentle, very temperamental, and heavy~ It is really a daily heavy makeup. And the fairies with swollen eyelids don't have to be afraid. This one is not conspicuous and swollen at all, and it is very cheap and worth starting! Powder quality: The powder quality is very good, much better than expected, and it does not fly powder at all! Especially the brightening color in the middle is not even powdery Color matching: It is a very good one in the canmake eyeshadow palette Fairies who like red eye shadows should not miss this one Color rendering: very color, if the hand is heavy, it will become domestic violence Of course, color rendering Some people like better color rendering some people don't Color test: The four colors are all with a bit of flash. The color of fried chicken is beautiful. Every frame is a versatile color. The base color is a lotus root pink, which is used as a base style1 wine red and pink style2 wine reddish red liner purple-brown very special, neither dirty nor swollen topping jewel brightens up the color with flash but not full pearly feeling painting lying silkworm has the feeling of innocent teary eyes~ PS: The person with the black hands of topping jewel really can't get the effect, but it's super beautiful~ My favorite one in this plate can play the role of finishing touch Bonus item: Bring your own small brush to give 100% 💯 Eyeliner is especially good! I also brought a small mirror, a small one is also very convenient to carry~ Tutorial: No...no mobile phone is too much for color testing Welcome fairies to search the Internet casually, they are all beautiful eye makeup Amida: Xiaorou Ni has also published a tutorial~ PS: If you are interested in the Yami welfare group, welcome to chat with me privately, join the welfare group, plant grass with each other, and there will be red envelopes if you are fine. Love heart ♥️ PS: I don't know how to format it. Feel free to take a look 😂
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#我的压箱底好货# canmake眼影#14 🔥过一段时间的网红盘 都说这盘是斩男盘 入手绝对不会后悔~ 整盘是秋冬梅子酒红色 超超超适合秋冬的一款眼影盘~可以温柔 可以很有气质 又可以重口~真的是日常 浓妆俩不误 而且眼皮肿的仙女也不用怕 这款一点也不显眼肿 还很便宜 值得入手! 粉质:粉质很不错 比想象中的好很多 而且一点也不飞粉!尤其是中间的提亮色 竟然也不飞粉 配色:是canmake眼影盘里非常出色的一款了 喜欢红色系眼影的仙女们不要错过这一款 显色度:很显色 手重一点会变家暴 当然显色这个东西仁者见仁 智者见智了 有人喜欢显色程度好一点的 有人不喜欢 试色:四个色都是带一丢丢闪 颜色炒鸡美 每一格都是百搭色 base色是个藕粉色 拿来做打底 style1 酒红偏粉色 style2 酒红偏红色 liner 紫棕色 很特别 不显脏也不显肿 topping jewel 提亮色 有闪光 但是不是全珠光的感觉 画卧蚕有种无辜泪光眼的感觉~ PS:topping jewel手黑的人真的照不出来效果 但是超级美~这盘里最喜欢的一个了 能起到点睛之笔的作用 加分项:自带小刷子给打一百分💯 画眼线特别好! 还带了个小镜子 小小一个也特别方便携带~ 教程:没…没有 手机太吃试色了 欢迎仙女们上网随便搜下 都是美美的眼妆 亚米达人:小肉尼也有出过教程哦~ PS:如果大家对亚米福利群感兴趣的欢迎私聊我 加入一下福利群 互相种草 没事还会有红包哟 比心♥️ PS:我不知道怎么排版 大家随意看看😂