Boiled Fish Sauerkraut Fish Vietnamese Shrimp Roll Pasta Ginger Scallion Shrimp Fried Taro Cake Pork Buns Homemade Taco Beef Noodles. There are many, many more... We never thought that we, who do not do it at home, are living a life of self-contained food and clothing, thanks to our experience after arriving in the United States, and thanks to Yami for enriching our lives Then eat well every day ✌️ ❤️
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水煮鱼 酸菜鱼 越南虾卷 意面 姜葱虾 炸芋头糕 猪猪包 自制taco 牛肉粉。还有好多好多 ...从没想过在家不动手的我们 却过着 自己动手 丰衣足食的生活 感谢到了美国之后 自己的历练 然后感谢亚米 丰富了我们的生活 然后每天都要 好好吃饭 ✌️ ❤️