#daily school eye makeup# God knows how I put on makeup in the car on the 15-minute drive to school\(//∇//)\ Naked's champagne color is used as a base, and then a metallic pink is applied to the end of the eye socket. I used the eyelash curler for a few times. (Actually, the eye makeup without mascara will be more natural and fake. I will not admit that I don’t wear mascara because I am too lazy to remove it at night.啾mi) Eyelashes are not like other girls who grow naturally like others. Don't worry! ! ! We have this magic eyelash growth liquid that will definitely grow long after applying it! After that, use the pink highlight to brighten the lying silkworm, and the pseudo-no-makeup eye makeup is completed 😏 finally! I wish the fairies can overthrow their favorite male seminarians~(/ω\)
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Yamiセレクション #日常上学眼妆# 天知道我是如何在十五分钟的上学路上在车上撸好妆的\(//∇//)\ Naked的香槟色打底,然后带金属感的粉色涂眼窝三分之一的眼尾处,之后顺着眼型加长一下内眼线能放大眼睛哦,出门太赶书包工具有限... 就不涂睫毛膏了,直接粗旷的都用睫毛夹夹了几下嗷呜(其实不涂睫毛膏眼妆会更自然更伪素颜,我是不会承认我只是因为懒得晚上另外卸才不带睫毛膏的啾咪)睫毛不像人家这样天生长的妹纸 Don't worry!!!我们有睫毛增长液这种神奇坚持涂一定会长长的! 之后再用粉色高光提亮一下卧蚕,伪素颜眼妆就完成了😏 最后!祝小仙女们都能推倒心仪的男神学长哦~(/ω\)