【格格的厨房】Sichuan-style pork ribs with potatoes that can’t be stopped🥔 😉Men's Potato Braised Pork Ribs😋👏 In fact, this can't be regarded as a post in the true sense. I just want to share life with you. I feel that many of them have not shared food. It's very bad, I don't want to cook, I don't want to move, but today I really want to eat potatoes and pork ribs. I haven't eaten it for a long time. I miss it and it's very uncomfortable. But in the afternoon, I started to have dysmenorrhea when I wanted to do my stomach. I said he did it, so I got the potato-stewed pork ribs in the picture I think to be honest, this potato braised pork ribs made by my male ticket is more delicious than mine. It's not just to brag about it. Although he is a straight man of steel, he is really careful and patient when he does things. Everything is done in an orderly manner. Slowly fry the ribs, then fry the potatoes, and then add the red oil bean paste to fry the fried potatoes and ribs. This is really much better than if I fry them with bean paste first. It is more fragrant and delicious. Fragrant, you can also fry the potato ribs in the future. Anyway, I really feel very satisfied and happy today, and it made me eat a big bowl of rice. Although every day I tell me to lose weight, I can’t get any fatter. I want to be as skinny as I knew me in high school (because I’m really fat now and it’s true I really want to lose weight (he didn’t force me) but again, auntie needs to replenish her physical strength and eat more. It’s really tangled, but I can still feel a kind of warmth, concern and love.
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【格格的厨房】好吃到停不下来的川味土豆烧排骨🥔 😉男票的土豆烧排骨😋👏 其实这不能算是一条真正意义上的晒货 只是想和大家分享生活呢 感觉很多都没有分享美食了 1⃣️是因为之前考试很懒所以基本没做饭 2⃣️是因为最近来大姨妈了身体很不舒服 身体很差 也不想做饭不想动 但是今天却特别特别想吃土豆烧排骨 太久没吃好想念 不吃就很难受那种😭 但是下午正想做肚子就开始痛经了 痛的我直打滚 然后男票就说他来做 于是就有了图片上的土豆烧排骨 我觉得说实话我男票做的这个土豆烧排骨比我做的好吃 真的好吃不是纯为了吹嘘那种 虽然他是一个钢铁直男 但是他做起事儿来真的好细心 好有耐心 做什么都是有条不紊 排骨慢火煎 然后在煎下土豆 再加入红油豆瓣炒煎好的土豆和排骨 这样真的比我直接先下豆瓣酱炒出来好吃多了 更香 更入味 土豆焦焦的很香 大家以后做土豆排骨也可以先煎一下 反正今天是真的觉得很满足很幸福 又让我吃了一大碗饭 虽然天天喊我减肥 不能再胖了 要和高中认识我一样瘦瘦的(是因为我现在真的胖了很多也真的很想减肥哈不是他逼我)但是又说来大姨妈要好好补充体力 多吃点儿 诶真是纠结 不过我还是能够感受到一种温暖关心和爱