
A must-have in summer

~~Summer is here, the little bugs and the little mosquitoes are also active~ At this time, once bitten by mosquitoes, it is really "itchy" The feeling of wanting to give birth is super painful, and people like me who have poor self-control will keep depressing and pinching the cross, and then the deduction is getting worse and more red and swollen~! Some people with scar physique even have their scars detained, and the whole leg is covered with black patches, which are particularly ugly and affect the appearance! ! Toby is totally unbearable for girls who love beauty! So at this time, be sure to prepare an incomparable drop, which is small in size and easy to carry, and has a good itching effect!
Apply a cool one immediately after the mosquito bites, it is very comfortable, quickly relieves itching, and instantly forgets the itching feeling! It will also stop deducting 😆 It can effectively stop us who are "cheap"! In addition, the incomparable drops are not only useful for mosquito bites, I personally think that the small red rashes on the legs and hands are also very effective! Very recommended! But the only drawback is that it is very difficult to buy in North America now, you can only buy it every time you go back to China~

👉Incomparable drops, produced by Japan Co., Ltd. Ikeda Model Hall. Treating mosquitoes, bees, lice, bed bugs and other poisonous insect bites to relieve itching, pain relief, urticaria. Refreshing and cool, easy to use, apply directly, clean and non-sticky. For external use only, external medicines, apply an appropriate amount to the affected area each time, 3 to 4 times a day.

👉Every 100ml contains): Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride 2g; Menthol 5g; Camphor 1g; Isopropyl Cresol 0.1g; Japanese Angelica Concentrate 3.6mg.

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~~夏天到啦 小虫子小蚊虫也开始活跃起来了~这个时候一被蚊子咬就真的是“痒不欲生”的感觉 超级的痛苦 而且像我这种自制力特别差的人 还会一直扣不停 一直掐十字 然后越扣越严重越来越红肿~!有的疤痕体质的人更是扣了留疤 整个腿上都是黑黢黢的一块块的 特别的难看影响美观!!特比是对爱美的女孩子来说 这是完全不能忍的!所以这个时候一定要备一个无比滴 体积小便于携带 而且止痒效果很好!
蚊虫咬了之后马上涂抹上凉凉的 很舒服 迅速止痒 瞬间就忘了痒的感觉!也会停止去扣了😆能够有效地阻止"手贱"的我们!而且呢无比滴不仅对蚊虫叮咬有用 个人觉得腿上啊手上起的小红疹子也是很有效地!非常的推荐!但是唯一的缺点就是北美现在很不好买到 每次都只能回国的时候才买得到~


👉每100毫升中含有): 盐酸苯海明拉2克;薄荷脑5克;樟脑1克;异丙基甲酚0.1克;日本当归浓缩液3.6毫克。