
Glutinous Rice Cake: Mango and Peanuts


Living in a small mountain village and wanting to eat glutinous rice cakes, there is nowhere to buy them. After that, I can only search the information online and learn how to make them! At first, I made glutinous rice cakes. Later, I wanted to try the peanut flavor, so I gave it a small makeover! 😄

  Material Preparation: p>

    Peanut Stuffing:

    First talk about peanuts For the filling, I used roasted peanuts and sesame seeds. Crush the peanuts first. You can use a food processor, but because I like to bite peanuts, I crush them manually and make them bigger. I want a bite-like texture!

       Cracked Peanuts After that, add sesame seeds directly. Adding some sesame seeds will make it more fragrant. As for the amount of brown sugar, you can control it yourself. I put it here6spoon, after stirring, try the taste! If it is not enough, you can add brown sugar. Because I eat it myself, I add brown sugar to be healthier. For those of you who don’t like brown sugar, you can directly use white sugar instead!

⚠️I didn't write the amount of peanut filling here because I always make a little more, and I will have it the next time I make it. The material is there! ⚠️

As for the layer of peanut filling, just grind the fried peanuts and soybeans into powder, stir well and add sugar!


  Glutinous Rice Cake:< /p>


Coconut Milk100G

Glutinous rice flour120G

Corn Starch30G

Unsalted butter15G


⚠️ Melt butter in warm water⚠️

Pour all the ingredients into a bowl except the butter! Beat with a hand mixer until smooth!

Then add the butter and mix well!

Pour into a plate, cover with plastic wrap and prepare to steam on medium heat15 minute!

After steaming, take a chopstick to open the batter, if there is no white liquid in it, it means your batter is ready! After removing the batter from the plate, put it into a clean bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let cool at room temperature! The skin will be hardened by the wind if it is not covered with plastic wrap!

Dice mangoes, I will cut them bigger! This will give you the taste and taste of mango when you bite into it!

Here is the mango flavored one, I prepared the coconut wrapped in the skin, and the peanut st0 one I prepared the peanut flavored one!

You can start doing it with a little warmth, remember to wear gloves, or your hands will stick to it!

Knead the batter a little, if you are afraid of sticking gloves, you can wrap it in plastic wrap, so that it will not stick so badly!

After kneading, I just rub it out without weighing it! I usually grab the size by myself. If you want to make it more accurate, you can weigh the total weight first, then count the number of pieces, and wrap the dough with plastic wrap, for fear of drying!

Wrap the dough with a layer of plastic wrap, and then press it flat, so that it is not easy to stick to gloves, and it is convenient!

Put the mango on it and put it away, I wanted to show you how I put it away! But the hands are really empty! I probably just pinch the four corners first and then slowly pinch it from the corners!

Toss in the shredded coconut, roll and roll, after wrapping the shredded coconut, I will hold it in the palm of my hand and press it to make sure that the shredded coconut will not fall off a bit!

The same is true for peanuts, but it may be a little harder to wrap the peanuts, because the peanut filling will accidentally run out when lifted! So the way I wrap the peanuts is similar to dumplings, fold them in half directly, pinch them from the corners like a dumpling shape, seal all the mouths and roll them into a round shape!

Wrap the peanut powder and the peanut glutinous rice cake is ready👍

I couldn't eat mangoes for special reasons, so I bought peanuts on a whim, and I think peanuts are delicious too, because fried peanuts are particularly fragrant! There are those who like mangoes and those who like peanuts, everyone has a share! 😄

The End

Here I made a total of 12! If you want to make more, just add this amount directly!

Cut the remaining mango cubes, don't waste them, I will use them directly to make mango sago, delicious😋Delicious!

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The End

