【M.A.C】 💄Speaking of lipstick. The first brand I came into contact with was MAC's bullet. It is rarely used now. But I believe it is also the entry-level lipstick for many fairies. It is also my entry-level lipstick 😻😻😻 💄Choose MAC as an entry-level lipstick because it has a lot of color choices. And the price is good. A piece is less than 20 dollars. Sometimes the price of the outlet is better. 💄 From the picture, you can see how crazy I was when I was young. What color did I buy? 🤪🤪😂😂. Colors that are so pink and tender🤪🤪. Now I like nude colors and earthy orange colors more. I rarely pick such jumping colors again haha. 💄The disadvantage of its home is that it is dry. Every one feels dry. Now I only use it occasionally unless my lips are in good condition.
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Yamiセレクション 【M.A.C】 💄说到口红.我最早接触的牌子就是MAC的子弹头.现在基本上很少用了.不过我相信它也是很多仙女们的入门口红.它也正是我的入门口红😻😻😻 💄选MAC做为入门口红,一来是因为它家在颜色方面选择多.并且价格好.一支不到20刀.有时候outlet的价格更好 . 💄从图片看就知道我当初年轻时候有多疯狂.这都买的什么色啊🤪🤪😂😂。这么粉嫩到不要不要的颜色🤪🤪.现在喜欢裸色以及土橘色系比较多.很少会再挑这么跳跃的颜色哈哈. 💄它家的缺点就是干.每一支都觉得干😂.现在是除非嘴唇条件很好的状态我才会偶尔用一下.