
Freshmen here! Teach you how to handle overseas shopping!

Speaking of Da Taobao.It’s true that everyone knows .There are too many treasures in Taobao! We who are in the United States want to buy things on Taobao.In the past, we usually had to ask all kinds of troubles for mailing or human flesh from relatives and friends. It's really inconvenient to carry.! Especially the freshmen who came to the United States for the first time.must miss all kinds of things in their hometown.Want to know how to reverse overseas shopping? Then you can look down!

Today I will talk about my buying process.For those interested and in need Some reference for my friends.I use [Taobao Consolidation].Other shipping companies such as superbuy have not tried /span>.Unable to make a very comprehensive comparison at the moment.I have a chance to try it later☺️☺️☺️!

💕【Friendly reminder: What if you want to buy? Let's see if Ami has it. Now there are more and more types of Yami! Yami can buy it, so you don't have to worry about it]

Shenma is Taobao Consolidation?

In a nutshell, after shopping on Taobao, it is sent to a domestic transit warehouse of our own. Then they help us unify and help us send it abroad.

About LogisticsPrice

Take consignment to the United States as an example.The following three are available The selected logistics company.The corresponding prices are marked on the back. I chose Jiachengusps.👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

ps.I think this price is a bit out of the way with the actual settlement price later. Because it says Jiacheng at the backuspsThe first priority is 72Personal name coins. And here it says 85person name coins.< span class="s5">The specific price is still based on the price at the time of settlement.

Package information about my first shipment

⭐️Package weight

I chose Jiachengusps.Total weight< span class="s3">7.34kg.Postage cost in total332 RMB. 👇🏻👇🏻

..And when I received it, it looked like this🤪 span>. The hell knows what it has gone through😂. Fortunately, things are not bad! This bundle of cannons, I still don't know how to get it out😂! 👇🏻👇🏻

After opening the yellow bag, the inner packaging is very good.Not disassembled👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

⭐️About my package shipping time🕰⏰ p>

As can be seen from the picture, my package 1.14 has been optimized It is out of stock normally..But! 2.1 received the package. I feel like it's been too long! Thank you for waiting.💔I asked customer service to tell me that I would receive the result in about a week. I waited for about two days. about one.

Then! Let's go shopping together🛍🛍

All my operations are on my phone📱Taobao< span class="s3">AppOn operation.It is quite convenient Plain and simple! I haven't touched a computer in hundreds of years😿

Enter the mobile phoneapp.You can see the [region] in the upper right corner span>.Click to enter. Select【United States】.below👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 span>

Select your country.Click OK. Then you can happily start the journey of buying and buying. But before buying, you should pay attention to what you can buy and what you can't buy! These can be found in the app!

How do I determine what is contraband?

⭐️Open Taobaoapp.First, click on [US Consolidation]👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

⭐️The following dialog box will appear.

Click [Help Center]👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

⭐️The interface is transformed into this👇🏻👇🏻< span class="s5">. Various questions are listed at the bottom.for example currency conversion. span>Any consolidation and payment issues.Express issues.and [Prohibited Items List].must Look good! ! To avoid unnecessary trouble

⭕️If such goods support consolidation.[Official Logistics-Consolidation]👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

If the item does not support consolidation.For example, powdered food.They are not marked under them👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

‼ ️Also for example a night light with batteries.under the item It is indicated that it can be shipped.But you must communicate with the seller before sending it. Do not put the battery in it.Because batteries cannot be mailed‼ ️👇🏻👇🏻

Once everything is clear, you can buy it happily!

⭐️First. Add your favorite items to the cart.After adding them

Then click [Checkout]👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

⭐️After entering the address, select the mailing company👇🏻👇🏻< /span>.I chose Jiacheng.If there is another shipment next time.I should not choose Jiachenguspsnow. Too slow🙄

⭐️After choosing a company, follow it step by step.Finally, it's payment! There are many payment methods, such as Alipay and domestic cards. International cards are also available. I choose to pay with a US bank card.I will be overcharged3% handling fee.

⭐️Add bank card information, just follow the steps step by step. Some banks may refuse your payment for security reasons. At this time, you can make a phone call to the bank to confirm.👇🏻

Once the order is successfully placed.You can place an order at any timeappCheck the status!

⭐️Click [to be shipped]👇🏻

⭐️If they have received an item they bought, it will be displayed here, followed by the specific quantity. The weight will also be displayed. If the packages are all ready, just click on the shipping fee to settle at the same time..After settlement, wait for them to be shipped out! 👇🏻👇🏻

⚠️It should also be reminded that the Taobao Consolidation Warehouse will only save us for free 20days, more than 20days will be charged a dollar a day span>.

⭐️There is a blue one in the lower left corner. Click to find customer service.


I would like to remind everyone here.Try not to transport too large a volume Stuff.Even if the weight is light, do not transport it if it is too large.Because they will not only charge by weight, but will charge volume fee if they exceed the volume😂😂😂< /p>

Here's the thing: I bought some inswind props .The seller told me that the weight was 0.82kg. I feel so light and happy. Buy Buy Buy👇🏻! But when I see the goods in the warehouse, it shows 3.56kg..Freight for me192Personal name coins.My whole person is covered Circled.Why0.82kgThe thing will suddenly become 3.56kg?It was only after I asked customer service to understand it.The original weight is not heavy.But The floor space is too large. They will count this in the shipping fee. I was so scared that I quickly returned the insprops😂😂.

These are the things that take up so much space😂😂😂. span>The shipping cost is several times the unit price. I don't think it's worth it. Don't buy it for now.

How to check order status?

⭐️Whether it is an outgoing order or a returned order. span>You can also check the status of various details in the logistics status.Or More convenient👇🏻

Summary of the first overseas shopping

Overall, this shopping experience is quite good.After all The first overseas shopping, I am very happy to receive it smoothly.And don't have to trouble others. Very convenient❤️.I have not used other forwarding companies, nor can I Compare.If you have a better one, welcome to plant grass🤗🤗 .But there are still some shortcomings. Hope to keep improving.

🔅20day free storage is too short< span class="s2">.Sometimes some private server customizations take more than half a month to be scheduled for shipment.In this case, if other products are bought too early, you will have to pay storage fees🙄. span>

🔅A lot of food cannot be sent.💔I heardsuperbuyit is better in this regard .

🔅Insufficient logistics.JiachenguspsA little slow😂.

🔅Customer service is not perfect.Send it to them often and nobody last time. Sometimes it takes a long time to reply😂.Jet lag can't hurt .

🔻Above is purely personal opinion and first-time experience. span>If you have different opinions, please add them🔻If you find it useful, please like and add . Thanks!

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