
Knock delicious beef buns

Today I am sharing one of my personal favorite dishes as one of this year's New Year's Eve dishes: beef buns.

Prepare ingredients:

🌈Beef tendon, lotus leaf wrap

🌈Old soy sauce, light soy sauce, cooking wine, walnut sesame powder

🌈Onion, ginger, garlic, star anise, pepper, bay leaf, rock sugar

🌈How to:

1. In Dahua99Buy beef tendon, with a little tendon to make it more delicious

2. Rinse and dry the beef tendon and slice it for later use

3. Prepare the ingredients

4. Add oil to the pot, add minced garlic and fry until fragrant, and fry the beef until it changes color

5. Add dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, cooking wine and stir-fry

6. Heat the smart rice cooker in advance, put in the star anise, prickly ash, fragrant leaves, etc. to fry the fragrance

7. Put the beef in the wok into the smart rice cooker, add boiling water to submerge the beef, and put some rock sugar

8. SelectStewSimmer mode, simmer for 30minutes until juice is collected

Dahua99Little lotus leaf bag p>

9. Put the small lotus leaf bag into the steamer to steam10-15 minutes until fluffy

10. Boiled beef, with tendons, good taste

Put the beef in a bun, like a rou bao

Add some chopped sauerkraut and walnut sesame powder

The taste is more layered and delicious!

Have one for every Chinese New Year, it's definitely welcome!

The picture recipes are all original, please indicate the source when reprinting.

The appliances in this article are available on Yamibuy.com, a must-have for the kitchen!

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1. 在大华99买的牛腱肉,带一点筋做出来更好吃

2. 牛腱肉洗净擦干后,切片备用

3. 准备好各种配料

4. 锅内加油,倒入蒜末炒香,把牛肉下锅炒至变色

5. 加入老抽、生抽、料酒炒香

6. 智能电饭煲提前加热,把八角花椒香叶等放进去炒出香味

7. 把炒锅里的牛肉倒入智能电饭煲内,加开水淹没过牛肉,放点冰糖

8. 选择Stew炖煮模式,炖30分钟至收汁即可


9. 小荷叶包放进蒸锅里蒸10-15分钟至松软

10. 炖煮好的牛肉,带着牛筋,口感敲好





