
The taste of boiled fish, both cats and you want to know

I bought this seasoning before I have been stocking it for a long time Almost forgot about it

Seems to be expired soon Hurry up and cook it today

Unpacking there will be3packets

Upper left kibble buns 

Top right Boiled Fish Seasoning

Next     Seasoning

Using this dressing is easy There are also steps behind the packaging p>

1. Use kipper bag and cooking wine Marinate the fillets

2. Boil water Then put the boiled fish seasoning in it and cook it

Children's shoes that do not eat spicy You can only put half of them I only put it because there are not many fish half but that's a lot of seasoning Can cook large portions of boiled fish

3. Put the fish fillets in the spicy soup < span class="s2">Cooked and ready to serve

4. After placement Sprinkle with the rest of the seasoning package

Don't eat spicy It is recommended to put a little bit of it

I only put half of it I don't want it too spicy

The tongue is super numb~~

Above I cook for one person

But this seasoning abundant so cooking3-4serving is not a problem< /span>

The same sentence If you can't eat spicy food Please be merciful

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水煮鱼的滋味 猫和你都想了解

之前买了这调料 囤了好久 几乎都快把它忘了

眼看着快过期了 今天赶紧拿出来煮了

打开包装 会有3个小包

左上 腌鱼包 

右上 水煮鱼调料


使用这调料很简单 包装后面也有步骤

1. 用腌鱼包和料酒 把鱼片腌起来

2. 起锅热沸水 然后把水煮鱼调料放进去煮

吃不得辣的童鞋 可以只放一半 我因为鱼不多 只放了一半 但是这调料量很大 能煮很大份的水煮鱼

3. 把鱼片放进麻辣汤里 煮熟后捞起便可盛盘啦

4. 摆盘后 撒上剩下的那包调味料就好啦

不能吃辣的 建议放一丁点儿就好了

我只放了一半 也辣的不要不要的


以上 我煮的都是一人份

但是这调料 量很足 所以煮3-4人份都不是问题

还是那句 不能吃辣的话 请手下留情