
My Luna mini2🌸 face wash

🌸I actually already have a CorelliaMia2 Now, next time I will post a list to introduce, this time I will introduce this firstluna mini2Actually, I bought this after struggling for a long time, because there is already a face wash, but my colleague saidlunaIt also works well, so I bought it and tried it out.



🌸Luna mini2There are several colors, my favorite is this pink The color of the tender pink cherry blossom powder, register first when you get Luna. Log in to the official website of foreo.com/support, if you are not good in English, you can choose Chinese.

🌸Babies can find this stuff in the box (as shown in the picture below), scratch off the place with something on it, it will be Display the numbers, and then enter the numbers into the serial number that the website wants you to fill in, and you also need to fill in your name and email address.

🌸After successful registration, your luna mini2 will be displayed Enjoy quality assurance, and those who do not register will not have it. Then there will be a discount surprise for you.



🌸After getting it, please charge it first, usually2After charging in an hour, the bottom light will flash when charging, and it will stop flashing when charging is complete. If the bottom keeps flashing, it should be charged immediately. (Don't wait until it stops flashing before charging, it will be broken, and it is not covered by the warranty.❣️< /span>) can be used for four months after a single charge, but it is recommended that babies should be charged once every three months.

🌸Luna mini2Use of🌸

🌸When washing your face, first make the facial cleanser into bubbles, or use those facial cleansers that are extruded into bubbles, and then UseLuna to cleanse the skin and move slowly along the contour of the face. You can stay for a few seconds where you feel you need to focus on cleaning. Too much force will damage the skin, so it takes a minute.

🌸luna mini2Three brush heads🌸

🌸The small piece on the front of the general brush head is recommended for babies with dry skin, suitable for cleaning the entire face.

🌸The thick part on the back is suitable for the faceT< span class="s2">area use, recommended for babies with oily skin.

🌸There is a small brush head on the thin front, which is suitable for cleaning blackheads and the sides of the nose.



🌸Luna mini2The use effect is very good, remember to pay attention after use Oh, this face wash can wash off a lot of dirt on the face, I suggest that babies do not use it every day, it will damage the stratum corneum, use it every week2 span>3times just fine👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

🌸I wish all the babies are fairies, and the recommendation index is five stars:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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我のLuna mini2🌸洗脸仪

🌸我其实已经有一款科莱丽的Mia2了,下次我会发个晒单,介绍一下,这次我先来介绍这款luna mini2其实这款我纠结了挺久才买的,因为已经有一个洗脸仪了,但我同事说luna也很好用,我就买了试试看。



🌸Luna mini2有好几个颜色,我最喜欢的是这个粉嫩粉嫩的樱花粉的颜色,拿到Luna的时候先注册哟。登陆foreo.com/support的官方网站,如果英文不好的宝贝们可以选择中文。


🌸注册成功之后就会显示你的luna mini2享有质量保证啦,不注册的宝贝们是没有的哦。然后还会给你一份折扣惊喜。




🌸Luna mini2的使用🌸


🌸luna mini2的三个刷头🌸






🌸Luna mini2的使用效果很好,使用完之后记得要紧肤哦,这款洗脸仪可以把脸上很多脏东西洗掉,我建议宝贝们不要每天去使用它,会伤害角质层,每周使用23次就好了👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
