Zero Failure 🍅 Scrambled Eggs

This is a novice recipe for tomato scrambled eggs that is not easy to fail. It tastes good when made, and it is very suitable for lunch and lunch!


[Peeled tomatoes] Take off the stem of the tomato and make a cross on the buttocks. Boil a pot of hot water, the amount of water should not cover the tomatoes. After the water boils, throw the tomatoes in and scald. When the tomato is boiled and the buttocks are blooming, take it out. At this time, the skin is easy to peel, peel and cut into pieces for later use.


Crack the eggs into a large bowl and add a little milk(can be omitted ), white pepper, salt, and beat the eggs.


Remove the frying pan, fry the eggs until fragrant and set out.(Do not fry Burnt, you can 8Serve out when cooked). Add a little more oil to the same pan, add the tomatoes and fry. Depending on the personality of the tomatoes, some of them will produce a lot of water. If there is no water, they will stick to the pot. You can add some water in. Add tomato paste, sugar, salt and season to your liking.


Finally add the scrambled eggs that are waiting beside them and fry together. Take a small bowl, a teaspoon of taibai powder+dissolve in cold water to thicken the water, put it in the pot and thicken it and turn off the heat. Sprinkle with chopped green onion and serve.

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[番茄去皮] 番茄摘掉蒂頭,在屁股劃十字。煮一鍋熱水,水量最好沒過番茄,水滾後把番茄扔進去燙。番茄燙熟屁股皮開花就撈出來。這時候皮很好剝,剝皮切塊備用。





