Qi Wei's same style starry sky armor 🌃 This set of nails is a video I watched Qi Wei teaching starry sky makeup, and the hand that flashed in it caught my eye hahaha. I think it's pretty flashy. I just have the same material. 135 Fingers are the same, index finger and ring finger are the same. The index finger and ring finger are very simple, just a simple layer of black. This bottle of black nail polish is a bottle I picked up at Walmart. It's average, the color is not full, but it's okay. Thumb, middle finger, little finger: I use white as the base first, essie's 024/mashmellow, a very nice white, showing white hands, but need to brush a lot of layers. Generally, I need to apply 4 coats of white for a single coat. Just the bottom layer, just 2 layers. After the white base dries, apply another golden coat. The golden one is from HnM's house, Encore. This golden glitter is quite beautiful and has a high usage rate. Then apply the silver glitter, which was included in a Christmas 🎄 nail polish set by Innisfree three years ago. Finally, just apply a layer of top coat, and a bling glittering nail is ready.
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Yamiセレクション 戚薇同款 星空甲🌃 这个套指甲是我看 戚薇 的一个教画星空妆的视频,里面一晃而过的手抓住了我的眼球哈哈哈。我觉得挺好看的 一闪一闪。刚好材料差不多的我都有。 135指头一样,食指无名指一样。 食指无名指很简单,就是简简单单的一层黑色。这瓶黑色指甲油是我在Walmart随便拿的一瓶,一般般,颜色不饱满,但还凑合。 大拇指 中指 小拇指:我先用白色打底,essie的024/mashmellow,很好看的一个白色,显手白,只不过需要刷很多层。一般单涂白色 我都需要涂个4层。只是打底,就2层。等白色底干了之后,再刷一层金色的。金色的是HnM家,Encore,这个金闪闪蛮好看的,使用率挺高。之后再刷 银闪闪,innisfree 三年前的一个圣诞🎄指甲油套装里的。 最后再刷一层顶油就好啦,一款bling 闪闪的指甲就做好了。