
💕 (below) Essential detoxification conditioning and slimming products ✨

Hello everyone, this is Nicole

👏 This is the next episode of {Tell me about my must-have detoxification, conditioning and slimming products} previously posted

✨ Share the products that I have used to assist in drug control over the past few years

These are the 3 years I have been repurchasing, and there are always some in stock

✨What I want to say is --> These products are auxiliary and must be combined with a reasonable diet and exercise to lose weight

I go to the gym 5 days a week, exercise different parts every day, and then combine it with a three-meal diet of sugar-free, low-salt, and low-carbohydrate 

If interested, I can write a detailed article to introduce the specifics.

1. Skinnymint Teatox Tea Bag Day & Night

2. Japan Shingu Enzyme Nighttime Sleep Slimming Enhanced  

                    < /p>

3. Yamamoto Kampo Pharmaceutical Coix Tea      


4. Japan DOKKAN SERIES Plant Enzyme Power Night Slimming  

                    < /p>

5. Japanese DHC Lower Body & Nbsp;                      


6. Yamamoto Kampo Barley Juice Powder      


7. Yamamoto Kampo Pharmaceutical, Japan's Zhiliu Tea

The first three have already been said last time, and today I will talk about the last four

Introduce in order

💕 Japan DOKKAN SERIES plant enzyme power night slimming

    I also love this one. Its function is similar to that of Xingu Enzyme. If you eat it after a big meal in the evening, you can control the absorption of fat and accelerate the digestion of calories. So I won't gain weight the next day. It can also make the body comfortable and not burdened. The one-time usage is 6 capsules, but because of my personal constitution, I took 8 capsules and the effect was very good. There is no need to use it every day, unless you eat and drink every day.

This should also be a star product of Yamibuy. I only knew about it because of Yamibuy. After reading the comments, I wanted to try it.

👉 Effect : Take it after a big meal, and cleanse and detox the next day.

❤️ Japanese DHC Lower Body Slim Legs

    DHC's brand and its reputation as a nutritional weight-loss product, everyone should have heard of it, their supplement series is very famous. In fact, I have tried their entire line since a very early junior high school, but I don't know if it is too small or not combined with sports and diet, it is completely useless, it is a waste of money. The reason why I bought this is because I have controlled my diet and exercised over the past few years. I thought it should be useful. After adding a comment, I tried it.

    To be honest, I don't feel it works, because it's not like the enzymes above, which can detoxify the next day. This is to remove edema in the lower body, so it can be regarded as a visual effect of slimming legs. After my legs are well-proportioned, I don't know if it is because of exercise or because of eating this. I will keep repurchasing because of eating habits.

👉Effect: Removing edema (not much feeling)

💕 Japanese Yamamoto Kampo Barley Green Juice Powder

    One of Japan's most famous detox products, green juice. I read an article before saying that the reason why Japanese people like to drink this is because they usually consume too little vegetables, so they have to rely on this to assist. Personally, I usually eat a lot of vegetables, three meals a day. It's just that I often go out or travel and can't get enough fiber, so I always have it around. So this is also one of the must-haves. If you don't take it with you, you will feel insecure.

    I will take it with me when I travel, and take a small sachet in the morning and evening, and drink it with cold water. I have seen many people say that brewing soy milk and milk tastes better, but I think it is very general. I prefer to brew it directly and drink it directly. It will indeed help gastrointestinal motility.

👉 Effect: Supplement insufficient intake of dietary fiber, green vegetables, help gastrointestinal motility and defecation.

❤️ Japanese Yamamoto Kampo Pharmaceutical Tea

    This is the last product introduced in this series. I bought it because of the name. Do you feel very powerful? Fat flow tea, it feels like drinking fat can be excreted from the body. But in fact, the effect of this is to help gastrointestinal motility. The effect is very similar to the effect of barley tea introduced in the previous article. It must be drunk before going to bed, brewing a large cup, and then the stomach will be smooth the next morning, and the detoxification effect Very good, this one will drink barley tea alternately.

    It should be reminded that when I drank this for the first time, my body had an adverse reaction of a little nausea. I don’t know if it was because of my physical discomfort. If you take it out and drink it, it will be completely gone. It may be related to the diet of the day, or it may be related to the body, so it depends on the individual physique.

👉Effect: Detoxification and stomach cleaning

🌹 Okay, so far, the detoxification and weight loss product series of the last two articles have been introduced

I don't know if it will help you, I hope you like it and enjoy it

✨Some little things I want to say

1. The above 7 kinds of products are only for the effect of assisting the body to detoxify. If the body accumulates toxins all the year round and does not detoxify every day, the body and skin will be bad, so their functions are all auxiliary functions. As for losing weight If you lose ten or twenty pounds, you still need to control your diet and exercise.

2. I am also a foodie myself, and I have posted a collection of instant noodles, a collection of snacks, and a collection of all kinds of food, and I will continue to share them. So although I control my diet, I occasionally eat junk food and unhealthy foods. food, so that's why I buy these to help me lose weight.

3. If anyone is interested in diet control and fitness, you can ask me, welcome~

4. After that, I will also post some listings about my supplements for fitness, my diet-controlled breakfast in recent years, the matching of nutrients, and some samples of my various snacks and instant noodles, if you are interested Just keep following me!

💕 Thank you for reading :)

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💕( 下 )必备的排毒调理瘦身产品 ✨

Hello, 大家,我是Nicole

👏 这是之前发过的 {说说我必备的排毒调理瘦身产品} 的下集

✨ 分享这几年我用来辅助毒控制身材的产品


✨ 要说的是 0 这些产品是辅助的,一定是要结合合理饮食和运动才能减肥

我是 一周gym去5天,每天锻炼不同部位,然后结合无糖少盐低碳水的三餐饮食 


1. Skinnymint Teatox Tea Bag Day & Night

2. 日本新谷酵素 夜用睡眠瘦身 加强版  


3. 日本山本汉方制药 薏仁茶      


4. 日本 DOKKAN SERIES 植物酵素力量夜间瘦身  


5. 日本 DHC 下半身瘦腿                        


6. 日本山本汉方 大麦若叶青汁粉末      


7. 日本山本汉方制药 脂流茶



💕 日本 DOKKAN SERIES 植物酵素力量夜间瘦身

    这个也是很爱了,它的作用跟 新谷酵素 差不多,是可以在晚间如果大餐以后,吃它,就可以控制住脂肪的吸收,然后加速消化所摄入的卡路里,所以第二天体重不太会增加。也可以让身体舒畅,没有负担。一次性用法上是说6粒, 但是我因为个人体质的原因,我吃了8粒,效果很好。没有必要每天都用,除非每天胡吃海喝。


👉 效果 : 大餐后服用,第二天清肠排毒。

❤️ 日本 DHC 下半身瘦腿



👉 效果 : 去水肿 (没有多大感受)

💕 日本山本汉方 大麦若叶青汁粉末


    出远门,旅游的时候都会带着,然后 是早晚各一小袋,用冷水冲泡喝就可以。看过很多人说冲泡豆浆牛奶味道更好,但我觉得很一般,还是比较喜欢直接冲泡着喝,确实会助于肠胃蠕动。

👉 效果 :补充摄入不够的膳食纤维,绿色蔬菜,助肠胃蠕动,排便。

❤️ 日本山本汉方制药 脂流茶

    这个是这系列的最后一个介绍的产品了,当初会买就是冲着名字买的,有没有很厉害的感觉? 脂流茶,感觉喝了脂肪就能排出体外的感觉。但实际上这个的效果就是帮助肠胃蠕动,效果和上一篇介绍的 薏仁茶效果很像,一定是在睡前喝,冲泡一大杯,然后第二天早上肠胃就会很顺畅,排毒效果很好,这个会喝薏仁茶交替着喝。


👉 效果:排毒清肠胃

🌹 好啦,至此,上 下 两篇的 排毒瘦身减肥产品系列就介绍完了


✨ 有些小事想说下

1. 上述的7种产品都只是辅助身体排毒的效果,身体如果常年积累毒素,没有天天排毒的话,身材和皮肤都会不好,所以它们的作用都是辅助作用,至于想要瘦身减肥,瘦个十几二十斤的,还是要控制饮食和健身。

2. 我个人也是个吃货,也晒单过泡面合集,零食合集,各种各样吃的合集之后也会一直分享,所以我虽然控制饮食,但是也会偶尔吃垃圾食品和不健康的食物,所以这就是为什么我会买这些来辅助我瘦身。

3. 如果有人对饮食控制,健身有兴趣的,可以来问我,欢迎~

4. 之后我也会出一些晒单,关于我搭配健身的supplement,我这几年控制饮食的早餐,营养素的搭配,和一些我各种零食泡面的试吃,大家感兴趣的话就一直关注我吧!

💕 谢谢阅读 :)