This plate has beautiful malachite green, DuoChrome wine red, it is a very eye-catching plate. There are only 2 matte textures in the 6 colors, one light and one dark. It is an eyeshadow palette that can independently complete 2+ eye makeup. There is also no repeated eye shadow color, and the texture of the metallic eye shadow remains consistent. 🌟Single eye shadow texture: Celestial - A metallic nude shade, this shade is lighter than the Entice of the Dark Star plate and is more suitable for brightening the corners of the eyes. The ductility is slightly weaker in metallic eyeshadows. Burning Desire - Matte warm brown, perfect stretch, no powder, even arm test color. Apply thinly for under eye sockets. Supernova - Metallic, malachite green, with little ductility, other textures are the same. Dark Paradise - A matte mid-tone dark brown with great texture and no highlights in color. Corruption - Metallic / DuoChrome's burgundy, warm light turns brown, with no flaws in texture. Provocatrix - Metallic warm brown rose color, monochromatic can also be an eye makeup, warm light with golden tint, texture is flawless. 📶Buy or Not A very cost-effective set, you can complete 2+ eye makeup independently, if you choose a set that has characteristics and can be used daily, it must be this one. If there is a Mothership I-V, this one does not need to be included.
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Yamiセレクション 这盘里有漂亮的孔雀绿,DuoChrome的酒红色,是非常吸引眼球的一盘。6色里面只有2个哑光质地,一浅一深,是一盘可以独立完成2+眼妆的眼影盘。同样没有重复的眼影色,金属质感的眼影的质地保持一致。 🌟单颗眼影质感: Celestial - 金属质感的裸色调,这个色调相比Dark Star盘的Entice更浅,更适合作为眼角提亮。延展度在金属质感的眼影中稍微有一丢丢的偏弱。 Burning Desire - 哑光暖棕色,延展度满分,无飞粉情况,手臂试色上色均匀。薄涂适合眼窝底色。 Supernova - 金属质感,孔雀绿,延展度微弱,其他质地一致。 Dark Paradise - 哑光中色调深棕,质地很棒,颜色无亮点。 Corruption - 金属质感/DuoChrome的酒红色,暖光变成棕色,质地无缺点。 Provocatrix - 金属质感暖棕玫瑰色,单色也能成为一个眼妆,暖光偏金色,质地无缺点。 📶Buy or Not 性价比超高的一盘,可以独立完成2+眼妆,如果选一盘有特点又可以日常的,非它莫属。 如果有Mothership I-V,这款没必要入。