
MINISO | Pinyipin super popular domestic "Zumalong" blue wind chime spray 🌿

※ MINISOIt is really a pure domestic brand with a foreign slogan that was born in the last year or two< span class="s1">...This brand can be said to have penetrated half the sky in China < span class="s2">Despite saying it's from various copyJapanese chain store decorations< span class="s1"> But I have to say that some of their little things are really good!< /span>For example, this domestic product I want to recommend today"Zumalong< /span>"Blue Wind Chime Spray~

※ MINISOIn fact, it is MINISO It seems that they have recently opened stores in the United States It's really amazing~Equivalent to the Chinese versionDAISO Let's go all of it10-100Various household items What cosmetics and fragrances came out later!Actually, my friends and I have bought a lot of small things at MINISO < /span>eg cotton swabs head straps Notebook Pillow and slippers...Each also10-20 If the pillow is 50around Super soft and invincible Super comfortable and no smell< span class="s1"> Really and in the mall200/300ThekumaAh no difference!

This recommended one"Zumalong"Blue wind chime spray is also the one that I returned to China to watch Douyin being planted by others< span class="s1"> They all say it tastes like blue wind chimes~Then I must try it bought a bottle < /span>The first time I smelled it, it really looked like!this lily of the valley The taste of Lily is the main note Then mixed with bellflower and lilac is a more intense floral fragrance!It smells good < /span>

But to be honest, there is no sense of hierarchy is completely incomparable to Jo Malone And if you smell it carefully, it will feel a little bit < span class="s1">....I didn't use this to spray on my body After all,10something more than a dollar < /span>Definitely not good quality but spray toilet to deodorize or something Or spray around the shoe cabinet is a good choice!!! span>A good home item worth starting!

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MINISO | 品一品超人气 国产"祖马龙"蓝风铃喷雾🌿

※ MINISO真的是最近一两年横空出世的一个打着洋气口号的纯国产品牌...这个品牌可以说是已经火透国内半边天了 尽管说它是从各种copy日本连锁店的装修什么的 但是呢也不得不说他们的一些小东西真的还是挺不错的!比如说我今天要推荐的这一款国产"祖马龙"蓝风铃喷雾就是如此~

※ MINISO其实就是名创优品啦 貌似最近开店都开到美国来了 真的有点儿厉害~相当于就是中国版的DAISO 全都是一些10-100不等的家居小物 后来还出了什么化妆品香氛什么的!其实我和周围的朋友都有在名创优品买过很多小东西 比如说棉签 头绳 笔记本 抱枕还有拖鞋什么的...每一个也就10-20 抱枕的话就是50左右 超级无敌软绵 超级舒服 而且没有任何异味 真的和商场里200/300kuma啊没什么差别!

这次推荐的这个"祖马龙"蓝风铃喷雾也是我回国看抖音被别人种草的 都说味道很像蓝风铃~那么我一定要去试试啦 买了一瓶 第一次闻得话觉得真的很像!这个山谷百合的味道 百合是主调香 然后混合了风铃草和丁香花草 是属于比较馥郁的花香!是挺好闻的 

但是说实话没什么层次感 是完全不能和祖马龙相提并论的 而且如果仔细闻会觉得有点儿次....这个我没拿来喷在身上 毕竟就10多块钱的东西 肯定不是什么好品质 但是喷厕所除臭什么的 或者喷在鞋柜周围都是很不错的选择!!!值得入手的一款家居好物!