Double Eleven set out of the box, in fact, I bought three waves, but I opened the box together, because I want to gather the twelve constellations ♏️♈️♉️♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♐️♑️♒️♓️, call the same uncle, hehe (๑ ̄ ̫  ̄๑) In this, I re-promote Shiseido scheming snowflake honey powder! ! ! First of all, it's worth it for looks. The second effect is good. I use it as a good night powder. At least I have been using the Oerbin good night powder. I feel that I can’t do it without it before going to bed. It can be said that it is a daily necessity. The oil control is good, the pores will not get bigger and not oily when you wake up, and the skin moisture recovery is very good the next day with the water lotion. And Shiseido's powder I feel that the powder is finer and more oil-controlling. Of course, I haven't compared the effect of night use. And then there's the Shiseido blush, I've loved this one for so long, it's super natural for the highlights and blush! ! In order to be natural, I usually use cream blush, and among powder blushes, my favorites are Shiseido and Shu Uemura. The last one I want to talk about is Ann. This year, I used the gel white tube, which does not feel heavy and natural and the film is fast. The 18-year-old gold bottle focuses on super sun protection and lightness, so I stocked up on one. However, when I used the gold bottle last year, I felt a little heavy and dry. But this is what I grabbed with a discount, so I'll keep it first. All three are Shiseido products. Most of the Shiseido products are very easy to use, and they are used every day, and the cost performance is relatively high.
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Yamiセレクション 双十一集合开箱,其实我是买了三波,但是放一起开箱了,因为我要集合十二星座♏️♈️♉️♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♐️♑️♒️♓️,召唤同道大叔,嘿嘿(๑ ̄ ̫  ̄๑) 在这里面我重推资生堂心机雪花蜜粉!!!首先冲着颜值,它值得。其次效果不错。我是把它当晚安粉用的,至少一直用的是澳尔滨晚安粉,感觉睡前没有它不行,可以说是每日必备。控油不错,睡醒毛孔不变大不冒油,而且配合水乳第二天皮肤水分恢复很不错。而资生堂的蜜粉我感觉粉质更细更控油。当然了夜用效果我暂时没对比出来。 然后就是资生堂的腮红,我喜欢这款太久了,它的高光和腮红效果超自然!!为了自然我平时一般用膏状腮红,而粉质腮红里,我最喜欢的是资生堂这款和植村秀的。 最后一个我想说说安耐晒。今年我用的是凝胶白管,感觉不厚重自然而且成膜快。18年金瓶主打超强防晒和轻薄,所以我屯上一个。不过去年我用金瓶的时候我是觉得稍微有点厚重,偏干。但这个是我用折扣一刀抢的,先屯着。 三个都是资生堂的实在是大多数资生堂产品都太好用了,日常又都要用,性价比较高。