Black sesame paste made from scratch instantly kills market and dessert shops I fried black sesame by myself, made sesame paste with glutinous rice and red dates with a wall breaker, and boiled with rock sugar In fact, I don't think it's as troublesome as others say below the recipe. It's just that I haven't fried black sesame for too long. It's a bit raw... Can you kill the market and all kinds of brewing packages in seconds! ! ! ! The aroma of the black sesame seeds roasted by yourself and then ground can not be replaced by any commercially available black sesame powder! ! It is also not a substitute for any black sesame seeds that have been fried and grated! ! ! I think it can be done directly with a soymilk maker, but I don't have one at home, so I can only do it manually😂😂 I really recommend everyone to give it a try. You may never look down on the black sesame paste sold by restaurants and restaurants in the future! !
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Yamiセレクション 从零做起的黑芝麻糊 秒杀市售和甜品店 自己炒了黑芝麻 用糯米和红枣用破壁机打成了芝麻糊 加冰糖煮 其实我觉得没菜谱下面别人说的那么麻烦吧 只是我太久没炒黑芝麻有点手生… 秒杀市售和各种冲调包了好吗!!!! 自己炒香的黑芝麻再磨碎的香味不是任何市售黑芝麻粉能够代替的!!也不是任何已经炒香的黑芝麻粒再磨碎能够代替的!!! 我觉得可能直接用豆浆机也能做,但我家就没有只能全部手动😂😂 我真的非常建议大家都试一试,以后可能再也瞧不上外面餐厅和饭店卖出来的黑芝麻糊了!!