Zepeto newbie here, I just downloaded it, and I'm still slowly exploring how to play 🤣 Everyone is doing a good job, putting on a lot of poses, and a lot of good photos. I think this outfit is suitable for winter, and it is paired with purple 😆 The last picture, add some fuel to the final children's shoes~ (although some people may have passed the test, next week is my final week!)
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zepeto新手在此,刚刚下载的,还在慢慢探索怎么玩🤣大家都好给力,摆了好多pose,好多好好看的照片。这个穿搭我觉得适合冬天,再配上紫色系😆 最后一张图,给要final的童鞋加点油~(虽然有些人可能已经考过了,但下周是我的final week!)