【Costco foodcourt's long chicken rolls, let's eat! 】 Costco's food court has only a few kinds of food, and there are really not many kinds. But people are full of people and queues every day: large portions and affordable prices should be one of the important elements 🤔 This chicken roll, the national retail price of $3.99, the price is quite good👍 Cut it open and look inside: tsk tsk tsk, look at this stuffing! It's so full that it can't be st0 anymore, this is called conscience! Buy one and go home, cut and eat it with a knife and fork 🍴 pretentiously, and then broadcast "Wulin Gaiden" (recently, I am inexplicably obsessed with that magical comedy 😂)! 🌝 very comfortable
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Yamiセレクション 【Costco foodcourt 的长长鸡肉卷,开吃!】 Costco的美食广场数来数去就那么几样餐,确实种类不多. 但人家就是每天都塞满了人排满了队:份量大价格实惠应该就是重要元素之一了🤔 这款鸡肉卷,全国零售价$3.99,价格是相当可以了👍 再切开看里面:啧啧啧,看看人家这馅儿!满满的塞到塞不下了,这才叫良心啊! 买一根回家,装模作样的用刀叉🍴切着吃,再播着《武林外传》(最近莫名其妙迷上那神奇的喜剧了😂)! 🌝惬意至极