【Origins Travel✈️Set: These three little ones are enough】 Not long after my friend planted mushroom water, origins accounted for more than 80% of my skin care products Because I am lazy, I don't want to bring too many messy things when I go out to play, so last time I traveled to LA for five days and four nights, the care at night relied on these three little ones: 1⃣️After taking a bath, pat the mushroom water, about 10 drops can be used to pat the whole face 2⃣️After the mushroom water is fully absorbed, apply caffeine eye cream (personal habit is to apply dots around the eyes like in Figure 3. It is said that it is much more even than squeezing a ball and swiping it directly to avoid oil particles.) 3⃣️After the eye cream is absorbed (this eye cream is quickly absorbed, it is very refreshing and not heavy at all), apply the cream (the method is similar to applying eye cream, it is also a little bit, this application method not only controls the balance of the amount, but also Also make sure it's wiped everywhere) 😉 Hope you like this sharing~
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Yamiセレクション 【Origins的旅行✈️套装:这三小只就够啦】 自从被朋友种草了菌菇水没多久后,我的护肤品中,origins占据了80%以上 基于本人较懒,出去玩也不想带太多乱七八糟的东西,所以上次五天四夜的LA之旅,晚上的护理全靠这三小只: 1⃣️洗完澡后,拍菌菇水,大约10滴左右就可以拍完全脸 2⃣️待菌菇水被充分吸收后,涂咖啡因眼霜(个人习惯是像图三那样,在眼部周围点点式涂抹,据说比直接挤一团划过去要均匀许多,避免油脂粒产生) 3⃣️待眼霜被吸收后(这款眼霜很快就被吸收啦,吸收过后很清爽一点都不厚重),涂抹面霜(方法跟眼霜涂抹类似,也是点点式,这种涂抹方法不仅控制量的均衡,还确保每个地方都抹到了)😉 希望你们喜欢这篇分享啦~