The nourishing and healthy cuttlefish peanut lotus root pork ribs soup that will stay up all night party 🦑 Now people like to stay up all night, how hurt So you should drink more soup and have time at home. You can cook both dramas and soups to maintain health and watch dramas~ Young and old should nourish qi, nourish blood, strengthen spleen, appetizer, clear heat and detoxify~ I usually like to toss and eat at home🤫 After all, I am a pure foodie Okay~ prepare the ingredients~ Dried Cuttlefish Peanuts🥜 Spare Ribs Lotus Roots Ginger Sliced Onion Knots Star Anise Sichuan Pepper 1. The dried cuttlefish is soaked overnight in advance, and the black film eyes and internal organs are removed, then cut into pieces and waited for the pot to be stewed~ 2. Soak peanuts 🥜 two hours in advance, cut lotus root into hob pieces. 3. Cut the ribs into pieces and blanch in water for later use. 4. Put all the ingredients into the casserole, add appropriate amount of water, ginger slices, green onion knots, star anise, peppercorns. The latter two do not need too much, I put them in the pot, so as not to be difficult to pick out later. 5. After the water boils, turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hours, remember to stir during this period to avoid lotus root and peanuts from sticking to the pot. After cooking, add some salt to taste. The soup is delicious on its own so it doesn't need much seasoning The soup stewed in the casserole is also very clear and sweet. The peanut lotus root stew is really delicious! The ribs were also stewed very softly and easily fell off the bone. Sprinkle some chopped green onion when drinking and feel more appetizing 🌚 Friends who have time must try it! ! ! ! # 亚米厨房 # # 开年吃大餐 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation5ae52da429be47189122
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Yamiセレクション 熬夜党必盘的滋补养生墨鱼花生莲藕排骨汤🦑 现在的人都喜欢熬夜 那多伤身呐 所以就应该多喝点汤羹平时在家有时间 就可以煲剧又煲汤养生看剧两不误~ 老少咸宜补气补血健脾开胃清热解毒~ 我平时在家就喜欢折腾点吃的🤫毕竟我是纯吃货 好啦~ 准备下食材~ 墨鱼干 花生🥜 排骨 莲藕 姜片 葱结 八角 花椒 1.墨鱼干提前一晚上泡发,并去掉黑膜眼睛和内脏然后切块等着下锅被炖~ 2.花生🥜提前两个小时浸泡,莲藕切滚刀块。 3.排骨切块焯水备用。 4.把所有食材放入砂锅中,加入适量水、姜片、葱结、八角、花椒。后两者不需要太多,我是放在料包里下锅的,以免之后不好挑出来。 5.水开后转小火慢炖2小时,期间记得搅拌搅拌,避免莲藕花生会粘锅了。炖好后加入适量盐调味即可。 这道汤本身就很鲜美所以不需要太多调味 用砂锅炖出来的汤也很清澈味道很清甜 花生莲藕炖汤真的好好吃哦! 排骨也被炖的很软烂轻易就脱骨了 喝的时候撒了点葱花感觉更有食欲了🌚 有时间的朋友一定要试试!!!! # 亚米厨房 # # 开年吃大餐 # # 冬天就要吃点好 #