🍀 The Digestive Advantage Probiotic Gummy Bears from Costco, the bear shape is super cute, there are several colors, and it is a soft Q delicious natural fruit-flavored gummy, smells fragrant and fruity, and works great! The unique protein protective shell of this product covered on the outside of probiotics can protect more active probiotics from reaching the intestines, support digestive system health, support immune system health, help intestinal health and improve immunity, reduce occasional abdominal discomfort and flatulence. It is really a daily essential health care product for all ages! 😍😍😍 # 百万积分第五季 # # 生活家居 #
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Yamiセレクション 🍀 Costco买的Digestive Advantage益生菌小熊软糖,小熊形状超可爱,有好几种颜色,而且是软Q好吃的天然水果口味软糖,闻起来香香的水果味,功效也是棒棒的!益生菌外面复盖的本品独有的蛋白质保护外壳可以保护更多活性益生菌到达肠道,支持消化系统健康,支持免疫系统健康,帮助肠道健康以及免疫力提升,降低偶尔的腹部不适与胀气。真的是老少皆宜的一款日常必备保健品!😍😍😍 # 百万积分第五季 # # 生活家居 #