🔥# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # Today's dinner punch ✅ ———————————————————————— I have been particularly interested in family-style Japanese food recently 🤭 I feel like Japanese food is very low calorie and healthy 😂 So today, let's make a simple Japanese dinner 🤤 I always figure out my recipe for the next day the night before Then go shopping the next day and you will have more time to prepare for dinner Try today to unlock delicious new dishes 🤫 — Teriyaki chicken yòu skewers — Boiled broccoli 🥦 & Japanese scrambled eggs 🥚 — Butter corn cooker 🌽 — Pumpkin seafood 🍤 tofu soup First of all, the heart-pounding egg 🥚 needs to be prepared a night in advance 🤪 After the water in the pot boils, put the eggs and cook for about 6 minutes, turn off the heat and put in ice water! It is best to soak it with some ice cubes until it cools and peels! Some mirin & light soy sauce 1:1 ratio of sauce is appropriate, add some sugar and water Peel the eggs, poke a few holes with a toothpick and soak them in the sauce overnight The practice of Japanese-style teriyaki chicken yòu skewers👇🏻 Prepare the chicken thigh yòu🍗 and cut it into small pieces for later use~ Friends who are strict with themselves use chicken breasts yòu~ I think yòu with chicken skin tastes more delicious hahaha 🤭 Slice the onion into thick sections! It's a natural pairing with chicken thigh yòu, my god! Thread them on a bamboo skewer and grind for a while with cooking wine a little salt and black pepper Teriyaki sauce 👉🏻 Mix a little soy sauce/mirin/sugar/water evenly and set aside Put a little oil in the pot and fry the chicken yòu skewers until each side is slightly burnt and pour the sauce Covering it with tin foil makes it easier to color the chicken and look more appetizing haha! When the juice is almost ready, turn off the heat! Bamboo sticks can be wrapped in tin foil for easy eating~ Friends who are afraid of fat can use the oven or fry them with 0 calorie PAM Recommended! Butter corn cooker 🌽 Seems like a Japanese way too? 🤔 Anyway, it's delicious! The taste is the same as KFC's butter corn 😂 super delicious! ! Corn 🌽 Do not throw away the corn cobs after dicing! Find an iron bowl to put white rice and some water with corn kernels and cobs After putting it into the pressure cooker, turn off the heat for about 5-6 minutes and then add the butter Stir and stir the butter to melt and it is especially fragrant! 🤤 If you are eating alone, you can cook as much as you want without wasting. If you eat together, you can cook it with a rice cooker 🌚 Hahahahaha, still do not recommend this rice practice I accidentally ate two bowls of rice because it was too fragrant 🍚😂 Pumpkin seafood 🍤 tofu soup Appropriate amount of dried scallops, washed and soaked, then torn into strips Don't throw away the soaked water for a while to make soup Shrimp 🍤 Remove the head, remove the shrimp line and marinate in a little cooking wine Pumpkin diced and steamed with raw salted eggs Put it in a blender and add boiling water to make a puree! The amount of water depends on how much soup you want to drink~ Put a little oil in the pan and fry the shrimp heads, then discard the shrimp oil 🤭 Then add the dried scallops and fry until fragrant, pour in the beaten pumpkin salted egg yolk puree Put the tofu to boil, then skim off the floating end, put the shrimps and cook them and turn off the heat before serving. Appropriately add some salt to taste, and the soup with salted egg yolk is more rich and delicious! Because other side dishes have a certain amount of heat 🤭 So vegetable broccoli🥦 I chose boiled~ How to lose weight depends on how you eat it, right? Some side dishes are high in calories, so reduce others But I don't count how many calories each food has Eat as much as you want, just eat in moderation, make sure you're full, then stop eating How tiring to live if you have to count calories every time you take a bite~ # 亚米厨房 # # 温暖小家养成记 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationfb4a9998b6c3271f9f
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Yamiセレクション 🔥# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # 今日份的晚餐打卡✅ —————————————————————— 最近对家庭式的日料特别感兴趣🤭 就觉得好像日本料理都很低卡健康的样子😂 所以今天来做简易的日料晚餐🤤 我每次都会提前一晚想好自己第二天的食谱 然后第二天去采购为晚餐做准备时间会较充裕 今天尝试解锁了美味的新菜色🤫 — 日式照烧鸡yòu串 — 水煮西兰花🥦&日式溏心蛋🥚 — 黄油玉米炊饭🌽 — 南瓜海鲜🍤豆腐汤 首先溏心蛋🥚是需要提前一晚上准备好滴🤪 锅中水开后放鸡蛋煮6分钟左右关火放入冰水! 最好可以用一些冰块一起泡至冷却好剥皮! 酱汁的部分味淋&淡口酱油1:1比例适当再加些糖和水 剥好的鸡蛋用牙签戳几个洞然后放入酱汁泡一晚上 日式照烧鸡yòu串的做法👇🏻 准备鸡腿yòu🍗切小块备用哈~ 对自己严格要求的朋友用鸡胸yòu~ 我是觉得带鸡皮的yòu吃着更香嘛哈哈哈🤭 大葱切厚段!它和鸡腿yòu天生一对的CP我的妈呀! 把它们串在竹签上用料理酒少许盐黑胡椒研制片刻 照烧汁👉🏻少许酱油/味淋/糖/水混合均匀备用 锅中少油放鸡yòu串煎制每一面都有点微焦倒酱汁 再盖上锡纸更容易让鸡yòu上色看着更有食欲哈哈! 收汁差不多的时候就可以关火啦! 竹签可以使用锡纸包一下方便手拿食用~ 怕胖的朋友可以用烤箱或用0卡路里PAM油煎 推荐! 黄油玉米炊饭🌽 好像也是日式的做法?🤔反正好吃就行! 味道就和KFC的黄油玉米一个样😂超美味的啊!! 玉米🌽切粒后玉米棒子不要丢掉! 找一个铁碗放白米和适量水加玉米粒和棒子 放入高压锅上气后大概5-6分钟后关火后放黄油 搅拌搅拌黄油融化后特别的香!🤤 一个人吃饭的话这样煮方便吃多少煮多少不浪费~ 大家一起吃的话就用电饭煲怎么煮都行🌚 哈哈哈哈哈减肥还是不推荐这个米饭做法🤭 因为太香不小心就吃了两碗米饭🍚😂 南瓜海鲜🍤豆腐汤 适量干贝洗净泡发后撕成条状 泡发的水不要倒掉一会煮汤用 虾🍤去头去虾线少许料酒腌制 南瓜切块和生咸蛋一起上锅蒸熟 再一起放入搅拌机加入开水打成泥! 水量多少取决于你要喝多少汤~ 锅中少许油放虾头炒出虾油后丢弃🤭 再放入干贝丝炒香倒入打好的南瓜咸蛋黄泥 放豆腐煮开后撇去浮末出锅前放虾仁煮熟就关火 适当加点盐调味就好加了咸蛋黄的汤更浓郁好喝! 因为其他配菜都有一定的热量了🤭 所以蔬菜的西兰花🥦我选择了水煮~ 减肥怎么吃取决于自己摄入的方式对不对 有些配菜的热量高那就从其他方面减低一些 但我不会去计算每一样食物的卡路里到底有多少 吃就吃了适量吃就行保证吃饱了就停不多吃 如果每吃一口都要计较卡路里那样活着多累~ # 亚米厨房 # # 温暖小家养成记 # # 冬天就要吃点好 #