# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # drop! Check-in Day 29~ Thanks to the school CSSA School perks before spring break! McDonald's New Breakfast Fried dough sticks + soy milk Although not soft enough But it's really like the taste of the country really tasty Unsweetened and Cinnamon Like👍 Delicious food eaten at school get over it After the afternoon class, have dinner 😂
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# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # 滴!打卡第29天~ 托学校CSSA的福 春假前的学校福利! 麦当劳新品早餐 油条+豆浆 虽然不够松软 但是真的像极了国内的味道 真的很好吃 不加糖和肉桂 赞👍 在学校就吃到了的美味 克服一下 上完下午的课再吃晚饭了😂