Remove those blackheads that adorn the pores of the nose~Biore nose stickers Biore Pore Cleansing Nose Patch, 8⃣️pcs individually packaged, small and delicate, the back of the package ️details how to use it, and the pictures and texts are very intimate💕 💁‍♀️The method of use is also very simple, after thoroughly cleaning the skin, wet the nose and around the nose with water, take out the nose sticker and tear it off from the transparent tape, align the center of the nose stick with the bridge of the nose, and stick the smooth side on the nose , push along the bridge of the nose to both sides of the wings, so that the air is expelled, and the nose and the nose stick are tightly attached. 📚Read books, listen to music, follow dramas, after 10 to 15 minutes, tear off the nose stickers, and a lot of small blackheads will stick out. The nose becomes clean and shiny, and the small blackheads are almost invisible. They all say use it after sucking blackheads With some pore-reducing lotions, the pores will be shrunk, and the pores will become smoother and whiter. These small blackheads that adorn the nose will disappear, and of course the tip of the nose will be clearer, cleaner, and brighter. 🧚‍♀️ Tips: 1. Please use with caution if you are sensitive, and do a sensitivity test before use 2. Please keep it out of the reach of children to prevent swallowing 3. Do not apply the product to abnormal skin and red and swollen areas. # 春日面膜打卡 # # 晒单闪现抢积分 #
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Yamiセレクション 清除那些点缀鼻子毛孔里的黑头垃圾~碧柔鼻贴 碧柔清洁毛孔鼻贴,8⃣️片独立包装,小巧精致,包装背后️详细的介绍使用方法,图文并茂非常贴心呢💕 💁‍♀️使用方法也非常简单,彻底清洁皮肤后用清水将鼻子跟鼻子周围沾湿,取出鼻贴从透明胶纸上撕开,以鼻贴中央对准鼻梁,把光滑的一面贴在鼻子上,沿着鼻梁向比翼两边推,这样把空气排出来,鼻子跟鼻贴就紧紧贴在一起啦 📚看看书听听音乐追追剧,10到15分钟后,撕下鼻贴,粘出来许多的小黑头垃圾,鼻子变干净光光的几乎完全看不见小黑头踪影了,都说吸完黑头用一些收毛孔的乳液,毛孔会被缩小,也会变得更加光滑细白了,这些点缀鼻子的小黑头消失光光,鼻尖当然也更清透洁净、光鲜亮丽起来了🧚‍♀️ 温馨提示: 1、敏感者请慎用,使用前需做敏感测试 2、请置于孩童拿不到的地方,以防吞食 3、请勿将产品涂于皮肤异常以及红肿部位喔 # 春日面膜打卡 # # 晒单闪现抢积分 #