# 晒单闪现抢积分 # I often watch people go to the store to receive a small gift box of L'Occitane. I envy every time. The nearest L'Occitane in my house also has to be opened for 50mins. Although I am not a fan of L'Occitane. But I also want it for free 😂😂 The L'Occitane this time is very cost-effective. When I bought it, I spent 5 dollars online at will. The newcomer code is 20% off. The order can be received by entering the code. Although the capacity is not large, it is very practical. And its packaging is too distracting. The bright yellow box makes you feel good. It is very convenient to give as a gift or for personal use on short trips. Each box contains: ▪️A hand cream ▪️A shower oil ▪️A skin oil And they are all free shipping. I placed two orders. I bought soap and lip balm. The smell is very good. Very fresh. .Select the one with the goft box. It is the red one in the picture .Not a single order.
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# 晒单闪现抢积分 # 经常看着大家去店里领取到欧舒丹的小礼盒.每次都挺羡慕ing.我家这边最近的欧舒丹也必须要开50mins.不会特意为了个盒子开这么远.所以我一次没有拿过.虽然我不是欧舒丹的粉.可是免费的我也想要😂😂 这次的欧舒丹太划算了.我当时买的时候是网上任意消费5刀.新人码8折.订单输入code就可以领取到这个盒子.虽然容量不大.可是都很实用。并且它家包装也太走心了.明亮黄的盒子看了就有好心情.送人或者平时短途旅行自用都很方便.每个盒子里包含: ▪️一支护手霜 ▪️一个shower oil ▪️一个skin oil 而且都是免运.下了两单.买了肥皂和唇膏.味道都很好闻.很清新. .一单选择了有goft box的.就是图中红色的 .一单没有.