
Sunway Food Restaurant Gift Pack Evaluation Report 📝

First talk toSunwaythe sponsor and Papa Yami Sorry😭 so late to submit this review Because it was cloudy and no sunshine the other day☁️ plus the recent work relationship is busy so delay This review has not been submitted until now Sorry🙏🏻< /span> Thank you also for giving me the opportunity to do this review Thank you for your trust Thank you from the bottom of my heart

First of all, let me tell you how I feel Just got this When the package is delivered the first feeling is heavy I'm really excited😂 Because it is the first time to do the evaluation I am full of infinite curiosity about the contents of the package hahaha🤣 

As soon as the package is opened📦 Found a big box of Jiangzhong Hougu rice and rice A big box of Wugumofang walnut sesame black beans Powder Lay quietly inside Really surprised Sigh in my heartSunway span>The father of the gold master really made a lot of money😭 It's too much of a fan I'm so moved😭

Let's get to the point! Let's talk about the results of the evaluation~


 Health Bureau Stomach breakfast-Jiangzhong monkey mushroom rice water🥛



This bowl of rice noodles contains lotus seeds, dried tangerine peel, saffron, barley and other Chinese herbal ingredients, all of which seem to be able to remove dampness, detoxify, and improve the stomach.

It tastes light Chinese herbal medicine and tastes like a baby's rice cereal. (But not suitable for children to eat)



If you want a richer texture or a change of taste:

1. Add your favorite nuts and dried fruits

2. Add a little condensed milk or honey

3. Add black sesame powder for a more beneficial sesame paste



In fact, it is not only a healthy breakfast for lazy people, this rice cereal can be a good choice for you little fairies to eat healthy and lose weight!

Wugumofang walnut sesame black bean flour🥣



Let's talk about its ingredients and benefits:

⭐️Walnut kernel: lower cholesterol, strengthen the brain and prevent aging, purify the blood, moisten the intestines, etc.

⭐️Black sesame seeds: beauty and skin care, black hair moisturizing, lowering blood pressure and blood lipids, etc.

⭐️Black soybean: lower cholesterol, improve anemia, anti-aging, lose weight, etc.

⭐️Other than that, black quinoa and dried red dates, a little yam and black rice.



Looks like it's a bald pig girl for everyone who stays up late. It should be the easiest way to maintain hair care through diet. Besides, this black bean powder is relatively easy to rinse, and there is no powder agglomeration phenomenon, which is more satisfactory. It tastes like a slightly sweet sesame paste, I hope it will really improve my hair and skin if I keep drinking it.

Warm reminder: After all the little fairies drink, you should rinse or wipe your mouth. After all, it is dark and there are residues on the teeth and corners of the mouth!

This is all of my assessment Hopefully Friends who want to buy these two products provide a little reference~ 🥰

Finally Thank you again< span class="s1">Sunwayandyamibuy Thank you span>🙏🏻

 # 晒单闪现抢积分 #  # I want to be an assessor4phase #< /a>

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首先跟Sunway金主和亚米爸爸说一声抱歉😭 那么晚才来交这份测评 因为前几天阴天没有阳光☁️ 加上最近工作的关系比较忙 所以拖到现在才交这份测评 真的很抱歉🙏🏻 也感谢你们让我有机会来做这份测评 谢谢你们的信任 衷心感谢

首先说一下我的感受 刚拿到这份包裹的时候 第一感觉是沉甸甸的 我真的超激动😂 因为第一次做测评 对于包裹里的东西充满着无限的好奇哈哈哈🤣 

一打开包裹📦 发现一大盒江中猴姑米稀和 一大罐五谷磨房核桃芝麻黑豆粉 静静地躺在里面 真的很惊喜 心里感叹Sunway金主爸爸真的是下了重本鸭😭 也太宠粉了吧 好感动😭











1. 加入你喜欢的坚果果干

2. 加入少许炼乳或者蜂蜜

3. 加入黑芝麻粉变成更有益的芝麻糊
















以上就是我测评的全部 希望能给想要买这两款产品的小伙伴们 提供一点参考意见~🥰

最后 再一次衷心感谢Sunwayyamibuy 谢谢你们🙏🏻

 # 晒单闪现抢积分 #  # 我要当测评官第4 #