I am a true eyeshadow addict. It is an uncompromising TF eye shadow control. However, the treasury is empty in 2018. There are many new sets of four colors.. I actually only got one plate of pretty baby! ! It's a huge irregularity! This year's Sephora spring discount. I didn't even buy a set of eyeshadows.. Who says they are out of stock 🤪🤪🤪 Fortunately, I exchanged the gift card later. This plate just happened to be replenished. Immediately placed the gift card. Haha I have been eyeing it for a long time. From 2018 to 2019. Among the new discs at that time, it was the first thing I saw. It looks like my favorite color. Can be bold. Can jump. Can be passionate yet everyday. My usual eye makeup is quite "existent". So this color palette is very malleable to me. In terms of powder quality. I don't want to praise the powder quality of tf. If it is not good, I will not buy it all the time. # 美妆护肤种草 # # 百万积分第六季 #
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我是不折不扣的眼影控. 更是不折不扣的TF眼影控. 可是.2018年国库空虚.新出的很多盘四色.. 我竟然只入了一盘pretty baby!!真是大大的不合规矩! 今年丝芙兰春季打折.我竟然也是一盘眼影都没买.. 谁叫喜欢的都断货呢🤪🤪🤪 好在后来兑换了礼卡.这盘也正好补货.立马礼卡下单.哈哈 我看中它很久了.从2018想到2019. 当时新出的那些盘里.最早看上的就是它. 一看就是我喜欢的配色. 可以大胆.可以跳跃.可以热情却又可以日常. 我平时的眼妆都还挺有“存在感”.所以这盘配色对我来说可塑性非常高. 粉质方面.tf的粉质不想多夸.不好也不会一直买. # 美妆护肤种草 # # 百万积分第六季 #