Last year, my best friend sent me some makeup products. This is her favorite eyeshadow palette, but I just don’t know where to start. A few palettes are normal, and some are party girl colors, such as green. If you don't use it much, just leave it alone, maybe one day you can really paint an exaggerated eye makeup! # 百万积分第六季 #
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去年回国闺蜜送了我几个化妆品,这个是她喜欢的眼影盘,可是我就是真的无从下手的感觉,有几个色盘还算日常,有几个就是party girl的颜色啦,比如绿色就是不大用得上,就放着吧,说不定哪天可以真的画个夸张的眼妆哦! # 百万积分第六季 #