Anything can be forgotten, but the taste of this butter beer will last a lifetime! A must buy every time you go to the Harry Potter Castle in Universal Studio! ! ! It's not really beer and it's non-alcoholic, it's just a really good soda with a very special taste! Raise your hand for those who have been drinking in Los Angeles and Orlando🙋🏻L.A. just built the Harry Potter Castle two years ago, and I was fortunate enough to have a cup of butter beer hahaha # 百万积分第六季 # # 这些饮品好喝到飞起 #
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什么都可以忘记,但这个butter beer的味道终生难忘!每次去universal studio的哈利波特城堡必买一杯!!! 它真的不是啤酒,也不含酒精,就是很好喝的汽水,味道非常特别!洛杉矶和奥兰多的都喝过的举手🙋🏻洛杉矶前两年刚建好哈利波特城堡,我也有幸去喝了一杯butter beer哈哈哈 # 百万积分第六季 # # 这些饮品好喝到飞起 #