Weekends with friends as well as a superb cook pot 火锅 it spicy 火锅 primer super happy Oh left left but most still in Chinese supermarket to buy it # 火锅永远吃不腻 # # 火锅 #
# 新年红运妆 ## 日本护肤品 # I won’t talk much about the highlighter. Use a primer before skin care makeup to make the makeup very docile.
Eat, eat, ingredients, sauces, etc.Amy really has everything! !In addition to meat and vegetables to go to the supermarket to buy# 亚米厨房 # # 做饭 #
麻辣香锅💕Hot pot base versionFry the hot pot base in oilboiledReturn the cooked ingredients to the panout of the pot 💕very delicious!
➖麻辣香锅➖麻辣火锅底料Fried with garlic and onionWater all ingredientsAfter it is basically cooked, throw it into the wokadd some waterstir fryThe water and sauce are basically dry and ready to eat!wow kaka 🖤