[Di, clock in on the 18th day] I think this is also suitable for weight loss, as long as you dont eat two bags at a time like me, cough cough, there are not many in one bag, but a whole bag is only 110 calories, relatively less sinful. fish meat stick is not as crab stick ❕ so eat up no trace of a
[Di, clock in on the 17th day] I got one, I want to help lose weight! Wait for my next review w# 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 新年flag目标打卡 #
[Di, clock in on the 16th day] Recently, the scourge of puffed food is not shallow, fat, and fat. Friends who like Haojia Pastoral Bubble must like this. However, due to logistics reasons, I dont have a complete picture of crunchy [scratching head] but In fact, there are four layers just like the p
[Di, clock in on the fifteenth day] I caught another stumbling block on my way to lose weight [akimbo] This biscuit is sweet, crunchy, and tastes a little creamy. Well, one bag will be eaten soon. Come with me Get fat, everyone!See you next time! # 快乐宅零食清单 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_t
[Di, clock in on the fourteenth day] Look what I found! Healthy Snacks Right! I thought seven or eight knives for five pieces was a bit expensive, but after I got it, I found it was really huge. Hehe, I will eat it tomorrow.# 相见恨晚的满分零食 # # 快乐宅零食清单 # # 开箱大吉 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 新年flag目标打卡 #
[Niche good things] # 大牌护肤 #🌟Aesop Parsley Seed Extract🌟My skin type: oily t-zone, dry cheeks, coordinates MA🌟🌟Purchased at Norstrom for around $70/100ml🌟 Shelf life: nine monthsThe student partys face became more and more haggard after staying up late every day, and began to look for the anti
[Di, clock in on the eleventh day] My, my, my empty box record? ? I was hungry for a long time this weekend. I ate three pounds of oranges, two boxes of blueberries, and the one pound of almonds you saw two days ago. So Im going to talk about binge eating. Ive been on a diet for a long time on the
[Di, check in on the tenth day! 】My, my, my empty bag in mind? ? I’m sorry, I already finished eating it when I remembered it. It’s not crab sticks, but crab slices~ but it’s the same thing 🤩 The whole bag is 220 calories ❌ No fat, everyone can eat it with peace of mind. Actually, if you pay attenti