

# 燃烧卡路里大作战 #[Di, punch the seventh day]It is not easy to insist on eating less, and it is even more difficult to control snacks.Eat some jujube to replenish Qi,Keep up the good work!


# 燃烧卡路里大作战 #[Di, punch the sixth day]Eating less food may make you look bad.At this time, it was blessed by Grandpa Cherrys jujube cake.The taste is not too sweet,Feeling no guilt.


# 燃烧卡路里大作战 #[Di, punch the fifth day]Too many low-calorie days can really trigger binge eating.So having a collection and release is the key!Try to make ordinary food delicious,A little more variety,The portion doesnt have to be too much.I hope I can fool my body that wants to eat 10,000 cal


# 燃烧卡路里大作战 #[Di, punch the fourth day]Carrot fungus buns. Simple and healthy.I have always felt that pasta is very healing, and the production process takes a little effort, so I dont feel guilty about eating it.


# 燃烧卡路里大作战 #【drop! Check in on the third day]A low-calorie and delicious dinner must be prepared carefully.I feel that I have eaten less in the past two days, and I have to protest my appetite!Quickly drink a cup of barley tea to calm down.When the stomach is upset, barley tea is still quite mi


# 燃烧卡路里大作战 #[Drop, punch the next day]Im afraid its the only snack that goes out of fire and low in calories!In fact, without the syrup, the sweetness is enough.Indeed, for me, who always wants to eat,Cant eat too delicious...


# 燃烧卡路里大作战 #【drop! Check in on the first day]Losing weight starts with a reasonable diet.The steamed buns with green peppers and diced meat, which were made by myself, were matched with meat and vegetables, and at the same time gathered a lot of labor, and it was a very happy start.



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