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高频英语面试问题全程演练,面试问题面面俱到,通过听句子实现信息输入,教你听懂问题再作答,实现从听不懂到对答如流的飞跃 ;
Content Description

《求职名企英语面试听说必备》的语言非常平实、地道,简练流畅的中英文表达贯穿字里行间,让人易听、易记、易说。内容编排设计完全贴合真实的面试情景,由浅入深,不仅提供了英语面试过程中会涉及的各种问题、回答方式及技巧,还按照热门行业分类为求职者提供了行业相关知识的听力练习及情景对话练习,为求职者再现了热门行业面试的真实情景 。此外,《求职名企英语面试听说必备》一书还配有由北京外国语大学专家配音录制的MP3光盘,求职者可利用随书附赠的MP3光盘进行听说练习和听写练习。

Chapter1 面试会话
Unit1自我介绍 Self Introduction
姓名 Name
年龄 Age
专业 Specialty
教育背景 Educational Background
学历文凭 Degree
基本技能 Skills
兴趣爱好 Hobbies
优点和缺点 Strengths and Weaknesses
特长 Strong Point
性格 Personality
Unit2关于学习的问题 Questions About Study
专业选择 Choose the Major
学习成绩与工作能力相关吗 Do Academic Records Reflect the Ability
参加过哪些课外活动 What Extracurricular Activities Were You Involved In
Unit3自我评价 Self-assessment
是否具有创新意识 Are You a Creative Person
是否具有团队合作精神 Do You Have Team Spirit
与他人融洽相处 Get Along Well with Others
如何评价成功与失败 How to Evaluate Your Success and Failure
Unit4关于工作的问题 Questions About Job
工作经验 Work Experience
离职原因 Reason for Leaving
职业规划 Career Planning
工作经历 Occupational History
你能同时处理多项工作任务吗 Are You a Multi-tasking Individual
如何在压力下工作 How to Work Well Under Pressure
如何缓解工作压力 How Do You Relieve Work Pressure
如何解决工作中的困难 How to Solve Difficulties
如何化解矛盾 How to Resolve Conflicts
如何消除分歧 How to Smooth over Your Differences with Others
如何看待批评 How to Face Criticism
如何看待加班 How Do You Think About Working Overtime
期望薪资 Salary Expectation
为什么对本公司感兴趣 Why Are You Interested in Working for Our Company
本公司的竞争对手及发展趋势 Competitors and Development Trend of Our Company

Chapter2 行业实战
Unit 1市场营销 Marketing
Unit 2国际贸易 International Trade
Unit 3销售 Selling
Unit 4客服 Customer Service
Unit 5银行 Banking
Unit 6会计 Accounting
Unit 7保险 Insurance
Unit 8酒店管理 Hotel Management
Unit 9人力资源管理 Human Resource Management
Unit 10旅游管理 Tourism Management
Unit 11物流 Logistics
Unit 12行政 Administration
Unit 13出版 Publishing
Unit 14公关 Public Relations
Unit 15广告 Advertising
Unit 16计算机 Computer Industry
Unit 17教育 Education
Unit 18培训 Training

Book Abstract

Chapter1 面试会话
Unit4关于工作的问题 Questions About Job
如何看待加班 How Do You Think About Working Overtime
一 必须听懂的实用表达Useful Expressions (跟着录音听一听、读一读)
1 How do you feel about working overtime?
2 What motivates you for working overtime? Raise or promotion?
3 Are you willing to work overtime on weekends?
4 Is it necessary to make your overtime acknowledged?
5 Would you be able to work overtime if required?
6 Will you reject your boss’s demand of working overtime?
7 I don’t mind working overtime occasionally but I would also like to get home to my family.
8 I can work overtime as long as it isn’t a routine, but an exception for a good reason, like a project deadline.
9 I don’t mind working overtime at all. I know during busy times people are expected to work more, and I’m flexible with my hours so I won’t have a problem.
二 核心词汇Keywords 跟着录音读一读、记一记
overtime ['?uv? 'taim] adv./n. 超时工作,加班加点
motivate ['m?utiveit]v. 作为……的动机,激发
raise [reiz]n. (工资、薪金的)提升,增加
promotion [pr?'m?u??n]n. 提升,晋级
acknowledge [?k'n?lid?]v. 承认,供认
occasionally [?'kei??n?li]adv. 偶尔,间或
routine [ru:'ti:n]n. 惯例,常规
exception [ik'sep??n]n. 例外
mound [maund]n. 一大堆
utilize ['ju:tilaiz]v. 利用,使用
depend [di'pend]v. 决定于,视……而定
fall behind 落后,不能按时完成
三 实景会话Conversations A=Applicant I=Interviewer
Conversation 1
I: How do you feel about working overtime?
A: My previous experience told me that the need for overtime is a reality for most since forty hours a week isn’t much time to accomplish my mound of endless tasks at work.
I: What motivates you for working overtime? Raise or promotion?
A: It is neither raising salary nor promotion. I head into the offi ce early and stay late, check e-mail on weekends. And in many cases, I do it because it’s part of my job.
I: 你如何看待加班?
A: 我先前的经历告诉我大多数情况下加班是种现实情况,因为一周四十个小时的工作时间不足以完成我那一大堆没完没了的工作。
I: 什么因素激励你加班?加薪还是晋升?
A: 既不是加薪也不是晋升。我早到晚走,周末处理邮件。在多数情况下,我做这些只是因为这是我工作的一部分。
Conversation 2
I: Are you willing to work overtime on weekends?
A: I do understand that it will occasionally be necessary in software industry to work overtime. Generally I feel that the work can be completed on time if we work sincerely and utilize the work hours. However I have no problem in working overtime if the project deadlines are very tight and require me to work hard.
I: Is it necessary to make your overtime acknowledged?
A: I think it depends. If I fall behind in my work, it is unnecessary to make my overtime known to other colleagues or supervisors. But if I want to show my commitment to the company, I want it to be noticed by those around.
I: 你愿意周末加班吗?
A: 我确实理解在软件行业偶尔加班是必须的。一般来说我觉得如果我们努力工作并且充分利用工作时间的话,工作是可以按时完成的。然而如果工期紧,需要我们加班的话,我没有问题。
I: 有必要让别人知道你加班了吗?
A: 我认为这要视情况而定。如果我未能按时完成工作,那么加班就没有必要让同事或者上司知道。如果我想表明我对公司的奉献,那么我希望加班能够被周围的人注意到。
① 我会服从组织安排。(I will accept the organizational arrangements.)
② 我会合理地安排自己的工作,提高效率。但是,需要当天完成的我还是会申请加班。(I will properly arrange my work and improve efficiency. However, if the work needs to be done today, I will submit a request for overtime.)
③ 今日事今日毕。(Don’t put off today’s work till tomorrow./Today’s work must be done today.)
④ 我经常忙得连轴转。(I often work round the clock.)
⑤ 我想知道能不能调休。(I want to know whether I can take some time off later.)
⑥ 即使通宵我也会把工作做完。(I will get the work done even if I have to stay up all night.)
Chapter2 行业实战
Unit1 市场营销 Marketing
Marketing is the process of creating customers, and customers are the lifeblood
of your business. In this section, the first thing you want to do is define your marketing strategy. An overall marketing strategy would include a market penetration strategy, channels of distribution strategy and communication strategy. Market penetration strategy is actually a growth strategy of sales amount, including acquisition strategysuch as buying another business, a franchise strategy for branching out, etc.. Channels of distribution strategy refer to the choices for distribution channels which include original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), an internal sales force, distributors, or retailers. Communication strategy means how you are going to reach your customers. Usually some combination of the following works the best: promotions, advertising, public relations, personal selling, and printed materials such as brochures, catalogues, flyers, etc..
1、听力技巧点拨Listening Skills
上述段落初步介绍了市场营销领域里的基本术语,涉及术语解释时,通常用到的词或短语是refer to,means,is referred to as。在表示列举时,除了大家熟悉的like,such as 外,还有 including,include,the following。该段落最后一句话里的冒号后的内容也表示列举,由于标点没法读出来,听者只得从列举词汇的语调上做出判断。
marketing strategy 营销战略 market penetration 市场渗透
distribution channel 分销渠道 communication 沟通
sales amount 销售额 acquisition 兼并
franchise 连锁 branch out 扩大业务范围
internal sales force 内部销售人员 distributor 分销商
retailer 零售商 promotion 促销
campaign 促销活动 price promotion 价格促销
discount 折扣 advertising 广告
advertising feedback 广告反馈 advertising frequency 广告频率
public relations 公共关系 personal selling 个人推销
catalogue sales 目录销售 brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度
original equipment manufacturers(OEMs) 原始设备制造商
I: Do you have any part-time work experience in sales promotion?
I: 你在销售推广方面有兼职经历吗?
A: Yes, I do. In the summer of 2010 Iworked as a salesgirl for P&G. I went
from house to house to sell shampoos such as Rejoice 2-in-1, Head and Shoulders,
and Pantene. In doing so I gained some sales promotion skills.
A: 是的,我有。2010年夏天,我是宝洁公司的实习生。我挨家挨户推销洗发水,比如飘柔二合一洗发水、海飞丝和潘婷。通过这次锻炼,我获得了一些促销方面的技能。
I: Fine. Please tell me how to reach your customers effectively.
I: 好的。那请你告诉我如何有效接触到客户。
A: This requires the communication strategy.We can use the following methods: promotion, advertising, public relations, personal selling, and handing out printed
materials such as brochures, catalogs, fl yers, etc..
A: 这就需要运用沟通战略。我们可以使用的方法有:促销、广告、公共关系、个人推销、分发印刷品如说明书、商品目录、传单等。
I: Good. Are you familiar with our pay scale?
I: 好的。你了解我们的薪资标准吗?
A: No. Would you please tell me about it?
A: 不了解。可否请您告知?
I: We’ll offer you a monthly salary of 3500 yuan to begin with and you would be eligible for a raise after a year. In addition, we offer you 1% commission on all your sales. You’ll also enjoy life insurance and health insurance, a two week
paid vacation a year, and a five day work week. But we do expect you to work overtime when it’s necessary. Is that acceptable to you?
I: 我们的起始月薪是3500元人民币,一年后会有提升。此外,我们还给付1%的业务提成。你将享有人寿保险和健康保险,每年有两周的带薪休假,每周工作5天。但是,如果有需要,
A: Yes, that’s fi ne.
A: 可以,没问题。


상표 Jingdong book
브랜드 영역 China


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서비스 보장

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Yami-중국 집하창고

Yami는 중국 내 주요 우수매장에서 제품을 선별하여 모아 Yami 중국통합센터로 배송하며 택배를 합친 후 전국 각지의 주소로 배송해 드립니다. 점포간 무료 배송 조건은 최저 $69입니다. 여러 판매자가 제공하는 다양한 상품 중에서 원하는 상품을 선택하고 점포간 무료배송으로 저렴한 배송비를 쉽게 누릴 수 있습니다.

반품 정책

30일 이내 반품 및 교환 보증을 제공합니다. 제품은 새로 사용하지 않은 원래 포장에 구매 증명서가 첨부되어 있어야 합니다. 상품 품질 문제, 잘못된 배송, 배송 누락 등 판매자의 실수로 인한 경우 환불 처리됩니다. 기타 사유로 인한 반품 및 교환은 배송비는 고객이 자체로 부담하셔야 합니다. 모든 제품은 장거리 배송을 하기 때문에 간혹 간단한 외부 포장이 눌려 마모되는 등이 있지만 내부 품질 문제가 없는 경우 반품 및 교환할 수 없습니다.

배송 정보

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서비스 보장

69이상 주문 시 무료 배송
정품 보증

배송 정보

Yami Consolidated Shipping배송비$9.99($69 이상 주문 시 무료 배송)

Seller will ship the orders within 1-2 business days. The logistics time limit is expected to be 7-15 working days. In case of customs clearance, the delivery time will be extended by 3-7 days. The final receipt date is subject to the information of the postal company.

포인트 규칙

모든 품목은 Yamibuy 의 프로모션이나 포인트 이벤트에서 제외됩니다.

반품 및 교환 정책

제품을 받으신 후 30일 이내에 제품을 반품하실 수 있습니다. 반품된 품목은 구매에 대한 원본 송장을 포함하여 원래 포장된 새 품목이어야 합니다. 고객이 자신의 비용으로 제품을 반품합니다.


Yami 앱 다운로드

맨 위로 돌아가기

당신을 위한 추천

브랜드 스토리

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리뷰{{'('+ commentList.posts_count + ')'}}

당신의 체험을 공유하고 더 많은 사용자가 선택할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

리뷰 작성
{{ totalRating }} 리뷰 작성
  • {{i}}별

    {{i}} 별

    {{ parseInt(commentRatingList[i]) }}%

Yami Yami
{{ comment.user_name }}

{{ showTranslate(comment) }}접기

{{ strLimit(comment,800) }}전체 보기

Show Original

{{ comment.content }}

모두 보기

{{ formatTime(comment.in_dtm) }} 구매 완료 {{groupData}}

{{ comment.likes_count }} {{ comment.likes_count }} {{ comment.reply_count }} {{comment.in_user==uid ? __('Delete') : __('Report')}}
Yami Yami
{{ comment.user_name }}

{{ showTranslate(comment) }}접기

{{ strLimit(comment,800) }}전체 보기

Show Original

{{ comment.content }}

모두 보기

{{ formatTime(comment.in_dtm) }} 구매 완료 {{groupData}}

{{ comment.likes_count }} {{ comment.likes_count }} {{ comment.reply_count }} {{comment.in_user==uid ? __('Delete') : __('Report')}}

조건에 맞는 리뷰가 없습니다

리뷰 상세

Yami Yami

{{ showTranslate(commentDetails) }}접기

{{ strLimit(commentDetails,800) }}전체 보기

Show Original

{{ commentDetails.content }}

모두 보기

{{ formatTime(commentDetails.in_dtm) }} 구매 완료 {{groupData}}

{{ commentDetails.likes_count }} {{ commentDetails.likes_count }} {{ commentDetails.reply_count }} {{commentDetails.in_user==uid ? __('Delete') : __('Report')}}

내용을 입력하세요

답변{{'(' + replyList.length + ')'}}

Yami Yami

{{ showTranslate(reply) }}접기

{{ strLimit(reply,800) }}전체 보기

Show Original

{{ reply.reply_content }}

{{ formatTime(reply.reply_in_dtm) }}

{{ reply.reply_likes_count }} {{ reply.reply_likes_count }} {{ reply.reply_reply_count }} {{reply.reply_in_user==uid ? __('Delete') : __('Report')}}

내용을 입력하세요


지금까지의 모든 리뷰입니다!

리뷰 작성하기
상품 평점

댓글을 입력하세요.

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Jingdong book