# 三食三餐 # My dad hasn’t made this glutinous rice for a long time. The method is to steam the glutinous rice first, then stir-fry with diced mushrooms, diced barbecue pork and seasonings with the glutinous rice until fragrant, pour it into a plate, wash and cut the crabs It is good to spread it on the glutinous rice and then steam it in the pot. The crab can be cooked when it is cooked. Remember not to over steam the crab, it will not taste good when it is old😋
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# 三食三餐 # 这道糯米饭我爸很久没做了,做法是糯米先蒸熟了以后,再用香菇丁跟叉烧肉丁加调味料跟糯米一起炒出香味,倒进盘子里,螃蟹洗净切好铺在糯米饭上再入锅蒸,螃蟹熟了就可以起锅了,切记不要把螃蟹蒸过头哦,老了不好吃😋