【Gourmet in June】 Houston's last meal with colleagues before leaving Whether a Chinese restaurant is qualified or not depends on whether its spicy chicken is authentic. For me, who must order spicy chicken every time I go to a Chinese restaurant, this restaurant has a lot of food! It is twice as much as ordinary electricity! The taste is crispy. # 三食三餐 # # 我要当测评官第9期 #
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【六月美食记】 休斯顿离职前跟同事的最后一顿饭 检测一家中餐厅够不够格取决于他家辣子鸡是否正宗。对于每次去中餐厅必点辣子鸡的我来说,这家店的量真的很多!是普通电的两倍!味道酥脆。 # 三食三餐 # # 我要当测评官第9期 #