Yami 특선
# 我要当测评官第9期 # Planting grass vitality forest pomegranate green tea wow wow wow~ First of all, I was first attracted by the appearance of this drink, it's too beautiful~~ When pomegranate meets green tea🍵, it sounds very unique, and it tastes really different. The light green tea flavor and the collision of pomegranate are my favorite eeew The focus is on low calorie and low energy, 1/2 serving 40 calories quench thirst and heat recommend recommend~
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Yami 특선 # 我要当测评官第9期 # 种草元气森林石榴绿茶哇哇哇哇~ 首先,先被这款饮料的颜值所吸引,也太好看了吧~~ 当石榴碰上绿茶🍵听起来特别独特,尝起来果真很不一样,淡淡的绿茶味和石榴碰撞都是我爱的eeew 重点是低卡低能量,1/2 serving 40卡 解渴又解暑 推荐推荐~