Yami 특선

Dixie Ann~Life is like seeing it for the first time🐕

🍀2015That year, the first time I saw you In this video, my mother-in-law mentioned the dog countless timesDixie Ann, a shy little girl, she saw a stranger People will bark and shiver with excitement.13, healthy and healthy, very friendly and loves little pot friends , stay by our side most of the time, fall asleep on the carpet while we watch TV, and snore when we are crazy and tired in the backyard💤


Picture every time you wanttreatcookies Two innocent eyes, where will the little friend go, where will she follow


🐶13 dog is very old , will be regularly trimmed her nails, eat five meals a day, and will also mix vitamins in her meals. She dislikes large ones.DHACapsules💊, we mixed it with beef puree for her, but she was very happy to eat it😃

 # #Family pets exposed#  # # Million Points7season< /span> #

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Yami 특선

Dixie Ann~人生若如初见🐕

🍀2015那一年,第一次见到了这只视频里婆婆提起无数次的狗狗Dixie Ann,一只羞涩的小女生,她见到陌生人会汪汪大叫,也会激动的浑身发抖,13岁健健康康,非常友好超爱小盆友,大部分时间静静待在我们身边,也会在我们看电视的时候趴地毯上睡着,后院疯累的时候还会打呼噜💤





 # #家有萌宠大曝光#  # # 百万积分第7 #