# 百万积分第7季 # # 月是故乡明 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation64ef3c0803c74c845a6b49 Although Portland's most famous is voodoo, the locals' favorite may be blue star... Bought two kinds, and the unit price is not cheap. After all, it is the route of boutique donuts, and two cost 7 dollars. -lemon poppy seed buttermilk When I bought it, I didn't look carefully, but when I saw the lemon poppy seeds, it instantly went up... I actually felt a moment of loss when I bit it - I really hate cake donuts. Americans always show no room for "roughness". But until I finished eating it, it felt so good that I didn't miss it. Guess it is because of buttermilk, the cake body is very moist and light, close to the pound cake that has been oiled for three days. The sweetness is considered friendly in other dessert shops in the United States that put sugar like poisoning the enemy, especially the sourness in the lemon frosting is very bitter (in a good sense), and it feels like fresh lemons are used. Juice is not essence, even without coffee, it does not feel too greasy; just like eating kiwi fruit when I was a child, I had to bite every seed, and I have never figured out why poppy seeds and lemons are the best partners . The old-fashion donuts have a slightly crispy charred edge that makes you want to applaud the first person to fry the cake donut (low temperature). -passion fruit cocoa nib donut My teammates chose this one, and the flavor is actually very similar to lemon. This store claims that its doughnut body is made of brioche bread, which is soft and chewy in texture. (Some doughnut shops are really soft enough to deform when you pinch them, but I personally like them a little softer) There's no weird oil smell that's noticeable after repeated use, which is basic for a doughnut at this price point. Passion fruit frosting is the same as lemon frosting, the sour and fruity flavors are so real that people can't help but lip-smacking in retrospect; Very creatively sprinkled with bell pepper powder and roasted cocoa nib (no sweetness, not the same as chocolate beans), but in fact, it is basically covered by the sweet and sour passion fruit, and the taste I want to create It's a pity that the level could not be realized...
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# 百万积分第7季 # # 月是故乡明 # # 童年回忆零食 # 波特兰最有名的虽然是巫毒,但是当地人最喜欢的可能还是blue star… 买了两种,单价都不便宜,毕竟是走精品甜甜圈的路线,两个要7刀。 -lemon poppy seed buttermilk 买的时候没看仔细,看到柠檬罂粟籽就瞬间上头…咬下去瞬间其实有一刹那的失落感——我真的很讨厌cake donut,美国人对于“粗旷”的表现总是那么不留余地。 但一直到我吃完它都觉得,没错过它,真好。 猜测是用了buttermilk的缘故,蛋糕体非常湿润轻盈,接近回油三天的磅蛋糕。 甜度在美国这种放糖像给仇人下毒版充满狠劲的其他甜品店中算得上亲切了,尤其是柠檬糖霜中的酸味非常凛冽(好的意味上),感觉用的是新鲜的柠檬汁而非香精,即使没有配咖啡也不觉得太腻;就像小时候吃猕猴桃时较劲又好玩的一定要咬开每一粒籽,也一直没想通为什么罂粟籽会和柠檬成为最好的搭档。 old-fashion的甜甜圈带着微脆的焦边也让人不禁想为最早把cake donut拿去油炸(低温)的人拍案叫绝。 -passion fruit cocoa nib donut 队友选了这个,味型和柠檬其实很相似。 这家店声称自己的甜甜圈本体用的都是brioche的面包体,质感上来说松软有嚼劲,咬开后的组织也不难看出韧劲确实会比一些店更强。(有些甜甜圈店真的是软到一捏就变形了,但我私心还是喜欢再稍微软一些的) 没有奇怪的油反复使用后明显的油耗味,对这个价位的甜甜圈来说也是基本。 百香果糖霜和柠檬糖霜一样,酸味和果味都真实得让人现在回想起来都有点忍不住口齿生津; 很有创意的撒上了甜椒粉和烘烤过的cocoa nib(没有甜度的,和巧克力豆不一样),但其实基本都被百香果的酸甜味掩盖了,想要营造出来的口味层次没能实现,还是挺可惜的……