# 亚米食谱 # # 百万积分第7季 ##0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation800f844a956c4697869 # What should I do if I cook too much? Make rice balls! ! Simple and easy to make rice balls at home today, delicious and convenient? The materials I used today are in Figure 2. Is it super easy? Amy has it! In fact, the ingredients can be added according to your own preferences. If you like meat, you can add some meat, and if you like vegetables, add more vegetables. 1️⃣Cucumbers, carrots, and ham are diced for use. It is better to cut them into smaller pieces. You can also add bacon, corn kernels, eggs, etc. according to your own preferences. The rice seasoning next to it is my main seasoning this time, there are With it, you don't need to fry the seaweed separately! Because it contains seaweed, sesame and so on. And it's all seasoned, and you can buy it on amazon. 2️⃣Turn on a small fire and put the chopped diced into it and fry it. I just add a little salt. Because the rice seasoning is already quite tasty. You can add adjustments according to your own taste. If you like spicy food, you can add some chili sauce and the like. 3️⃣Put the rice in a large pot, put the fried diced on it, sprinkle with rice seasoning. Wear gloves, stir and stir. Then knead into a ball! 4️⃣ Done! Load it up! Delicious to see! ??.
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# 亚米食谱 # # 百万积分第7季 ## 被二哥种草了 # 饭煮多了怎么办?饭团做起来!!今天在家简简单单做饭团,好吃又方便? 我今天所用的材料都在图二。是不是超级简单?亚米都有!其实材料可以根据自己喜好添加.爱吃肉的可以加点肉类,爱吃蔬菜多加点菜呗. 1️⃣黄瓜,胡萝卜,火腿切丁备用.要切小一点才好捏.大家也可以根据自己喜好加培根加玉米粒加鸡蛋之类的.旁边的那个rice seasoning是我这次的主要调味料,有了它就不用另外去煎海苔啦!因为里面就包含海苔,芝麻等。而且都已经调好味道了,amazon可以买到. 2️⃣开小火把切好的小丁放进去炒.我就加一点盐.因为rice seasoning味道已经挺够味的了。大家可以根据自己口味添加调教.爱吃辣的可以加点辣椒酱之类的。 3️⃣把饭放在大盆子里,上面放入炒好的小丁,洒上rice seasoning.戴上手套,搅拌搅拌搅拌。然后捏捏捏成团! 4️⃣搞定!装盘!好吃看得见!??。