Our family loves to eat all kinds of noodles, of course, rice noodles are the favorite hahaha The main method is super simple 😁 Soak the rice noodles for a few hours before going out in the morning (so it cooks faster) When you get home, boil water, put in the soaked rice noodle, cook it out, rinse with cold water and set aside Pour in my teal soup, add rice noodles, add some seasoning, and bring to a boil A bowl of fragrant rice noodles is done 😋😋 Extra rice noodles can also be used to make some simple mixed rice noodles Soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, chopped green onion, peanut sauce, and finally add rice noodles Stir it evenly and it's a lazy food ❤️
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我们家爱吃各种的面,当然米线是最爱的哈哈哈 主要做法超级简单😁 早上出门前先把米线放说里泡几个小时(这样煮的快些) 回到家时烧水放入泡好的米线煮一下捞出 用冷水冲凉备用 倒入我的水鸭汤 加入米线 加点调味料 煮开就好 一碗香喷喷的米线搞定啦😋😋 多余米线也可以做些简单的拌米线 酱油、蚝油、麻油、葱花 花生酱 最后加入米线 搅拌均匀又是一道懒人美食❤️