Yami 특선
# 被二哥种草了 # # 开学第一单 # # 亚米食谱 # # 五行缺辣 # Order number: 2019092177809 In the ins. circle of friends, I was planted by little two. [Yumei·Guilin Rice Noodles] It didn't disappoint me. It's delicious. I regret not stocking up a few more packs. It's out of stock again... Sad. Let's briefly introduce the equipment of Guilin rice noodles. There are dried radish, sour carob, soybean, chili oil, brine, scallion oil, dried bean curd, and rice noodles. Among them, dried bean curd is delicious. It is unexpectedly delicious. That soybean. It was fried. It was very crispy. The cooking method is also the same as the snail powder. First, boil the rice noodles in boiling water for 10 minutes. After filtering the water, put it in the pot again. Add water and ingredients. Add it little by little. Otherwise, the tongue will hurt. I will drop a few drops to make sense. Originally, the taste of the brine package is very good. Delicious. You can buy it!
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Yami 특선 # 被二哥种草了 # # 开学第一单 # # 亚米食谱 # # 五行缺辣 # 订单号:2019092177809 在ins.朋友圈被小二种草的. 【与美·桂林米粉】果然没有让我失望.好好吃哦.后悔没有多囤几包.又断货了...伤心. 来稍微介绍一下桂林米粉的配备吧.有萝卜干.酸角豆.黄豆.辣椒油.卤水.葱油.豆干.和米粉.其中豆干好好吃哦.意想不到的好吃.还有那个黄豆.是炸出来.特别酥脆.也好吃.整体味道和螺狮粉很类似.但是味儿没有螺狮粉那么重.各有千秋. 煮法也和螺狮粉一样.先把米粉用沸水煮10来分钟.过滤水后.在从新下锅.加水加食材.调料包.这里就是注意一下辣油包真的很辣.宝宝们最好一点一点的加入.不然舌头辣疼了.我就滴几滴意思意思一下.本来卤水包味道就很好了.其实加不加味道一样赞讷. 好吃.可以买!