Yami 특선
# 生活要有仪式感 ## 一秒变好吃 # Salted egg yolk flavored turkey noodles are here! ! Yami's Baijia Chenji Salted Egg Yolk Turkey Noodles, which started to grow grass as soon as I served, was finally eaten by me. I am a diehard fan of Korean-style turkey noodles. I have tried all kinds of flavors. Only the Chinese nation can come up with the salted egg yolk flavor. It is a super tempting combination. You must try it! The packaging is relatively simple, with flatbread (in plastic packaging, quite neat), hot sauce bag (calm down, the name is cute!), salted egg yolk sauce bag (do you have any ingredients). The practice is simple, the noodles can be cooked for 2 minutes, and the sauce is mixed and eaten. taste: The advantage is that it really has a salted egg yolk flavor! The spicy sauce is very similar to the sauce of Korean turkey noodles, and it will be less spicy, which is good news for babies who can't eat spicy food very well! The disadvantage is that although the noodles themselves are much better than ordinary instant noodles, they are less chewy and can be improved~ In addition, the hot sauce package can be larger, so that patients with heavy taste can enjoy it all at once 😂
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Yami 특선 # 生活要有仪式感 ## 一秒变好吃 # 咸蛋黄味的火鸡面来了!! 亚米刚上我就开始长草的白家陈记咸蛋黄火鸡面,终于被我吃到了。我自己是韩式火鸡面的死忠粉,各个味道都尝试过了,咸蛋黄味的只有咱们中华民族才想得出来,超级诱人的搭配,一定要尝尝! 包装相对简单,里面有面饼(有塑封,还挺整洁的)、辣酱包(冷静一下包、名字很可爱!)、咸蛋黄酱包(你有料吗包)。 做法简单,面饼煮2分钟即可,加上酱料拌一拌就能吃了。 口味: 优点是真的有咸蛋黄味!辣酱和韩式火鸡面的酱做的很相似,而且会不辣一些,是不太能吃辣的宝宝的福音! 缺点的话就是面本人虽然比一般方便面好吃很多,但却少了些嚼劲,可以改进一下~另外辣酱包可以更大份一些,让重口味患者一次吃个爽😂