I often buy this Thai milk tea. Every time Yami collects an order, I will stock up a few bottles. I drink it when I want to drink Thai milk tea but I am too lazy to make it myself. Such a large can of 480mL can be drunk many times, and the price is a little more than $1, which is a great deal! # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # However, I feel that it is too sweet to drink directly, and it feels similar to the sweetness of the restaurant. So I added some ice and milk, and after that it was just so sweet! There is a scientific basis for adding ice to reduce sweetness. There is a receptor called TRPM5 in our taste buds. The lower the temperature of the food, the less sensitive it is to sweetness. In fact, adding ice to reduce sweetness is to deceive your brain... 😂 Before adding ice: Oh my gosh, it's so sweet, so much sugar. After adding ice: Well, it's not too sweet, it's delicious, and you can still add sugar.
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这款泰式奶茶我经常买,每次亚米凑单都会囤几瓶,想喝泰式奶茶又懒得自己煮的时候就拿来喝,茶味很香浓,和餐厅味道很像。 这样的一大罐有480mL,可以喝很多次,售价$1多一点,实在太划算了!# 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # 不过我感觉直接喝太甜了,感觉和餐厅的甜度类似。所以我加了些冰和牛奶,之后喝起来甜度正好非常好喝! 加冰降甜是有科学依据的,我们味蕾中有个叫TRPM5的感受器,食物温度越低它对甜的敏感度越低。其实加冰降甜就是骗骗自己大脑... 😂 加冰前: 天呐好甜,好多糖。 加冰后: 嗯这个不算太甜,挺好喝,还能继续放糖。