Yami 특선
🎀Chop Girl┊I am still envious of other people's long eyelashes⁉️ Quickly use eyelash growth liquid 🎀 I have been using this lash growth liquid for a long time, its product name is Canmake Lash Care Essence. The Japanese packaging is very red, with some white flowers printed on it, which is very kawaii. Yami has it, and the price is very affordable. The method of use is very simple, just brush this transparent growth liquid on the roots of eyelashes before going to bed at night. No odor and no discomfort. As long as you stick to it, after a month, you will quietly find that your eyelashes are really longer. This is by no means just me feeling good about myself. Even my straight male boyfriend will yell at me that my eyelashes have grown one day. It can be seen that the effect is amazing~! Because the growth liquid is transparent, and the packaging design is similar to that of ordinary mascara, I often use it to practice the feel of brushing mascara. Over time, my hands don't tremble as much when I brush my eyelashes with makeup! So I am very makeup novice and try to practice like this! In addition, there is a transparent place on the packaging to show how much growth liquid is left in the tube. The seemingly thoughtful design is actually useless, because the growth liquid is transparent and I can't tell how much I used~
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Yami 특선 🎀砍妹┊还在羡慕别人的长睫毛⁉️快用睫毛增长液🎀 这只砍妹睫毛增长液我已经使用了一段长时间了,它的产品名字叫Canmake Lash Care Essence。日系包装,红通通的,印有一些白色小花,很卡哇伊。亚米有售哦,而且价格很相宜。 使用方法很简单,晚上睡觉前在睫毛根部刷上这个透明增长液就可以了。没什么异味,也没有不适感。只要坚持下来,一个月后你会悄悄地发现睫毛真的变长了。这绝不是我自己自我感觉良好而已,连我家直男男朋友都会在某天大呼小叫我睫毛长了,可见效果惊人哦~! 因为增长液是透明的,而包装设计也跟普通睫毛膏差不多,我就经常利用他来练习刷睫毛膏的手感。久而久之,化妆刷睫毛时我的手也没那么抖啦!所以我非常化妆小白们也这样尝试练习哦! 另外,包装上还有个透明的地方显示管子里还剩多少增长液,看似贴心的设计其实没什么用,因为增长液是透明的我一点都看不出我用了多少呀~