Yami 특선
# 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # It's really exquisite. It was published by the Palace Museum Publishing House. It's heavy in my hand and has a lot of weight. The outside is a hard shell, and every page of the paper can be torn off. The Chinese style is very strong. This year is the Year of the Ox. The Ox is hardworking and risky. It means good weather and good weather. The calendar shows a lot of cultural relics of cattle and farming. You can learn a little more about Chinese history every day by flipping through the calendar. 🐱 Does it match my Forbidden City cats haha
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Yami 특선 # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # 真的太精致了 是故宫出版社出版的 拿在手里沉甸甸的很有分量 外面是硬壳 里面每页纸都可以撕下来的 中国风非常浓 今年是牛年 牛勤劳风险 寓意风调雨顺 国泰民安 日历里面呈现了非常多福牛与农耕的文物 翻着日历每天都可以多学一点中国历史 🐱是不是和我的故宫猫们很配哈哈